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know how the devs can make player bases be on the hive (not server specific)!

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This is all assuming that they haven't already thought of this themselves, of course.


So, what if player owned bases (specifically underground) could not be made ANYWHERE, but rather could ONLY be made at specific locations?


Say you are wandering around in the woods, when you find a wooden panel on the ground (or some other marker indicating a dig spot). You start digging, and BOOM! You have your underground player base, right?


But I can here you saying it... "But Kage, if there were only specific locations to make a base, then bandits could just camp those locations, and would kill me the moment I arrived/exited!"


AND you'd be right. They definitely WOULD do that, wouldn't they, those damn scum........DONT EVEN TRY TO DENY IT YOU BAMBI KILLING BASTARD!!!

LOL. sorry. I got nothing against bandits. They add one more element of survival to the game. And I like to hunt myself, so I cant judge...


But I digress....so how to prevent bandits camping the known locations of player bases (since you MUST build them on specific spots)?


Make it so that there are, oh, I don't know, 500 possible build sites. Maybe have 4 or 5 different varieties on the layout of the underground bases. Hell, some of them could even be INSIDE houses (dig under the floorboards?)


With so many locations to choose from, a bandit wouldn't bother with the odds of camping one specific base spot. Not when he will have FAR better chances of finding prey at one of the hotspots...UNLESS he followed you to your base. In which case, shame on you.


This way, bases can be on the hive, exist on EVERY SERVER, prevent the likelihood of two players on one server (40 max) just HAPPENING to have the same base, AND arrive at the same time,  AND prevent dirty campers from camping at your camp site.


AND since you (devs) can control the locations where bases can be built, you can prevent someone from using an underground base as an exploit (like allowing a player to build a base in the center of NWAF).







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what happen when you log into server but guys having base already there :huh:

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500 different locations. Only 40 players on a server. Odds don't favor it.


Besides which, if you ARENT in the server, then someone goes to the same spot you use, YOUR base wont be there. Only if you are IN the server will your base be there. But if someone else ALSO built a base there, it still wont matter. If they aren't in the server, neither is their base. But if BOTH players are in the same server, at the same time, with a base in the same location, IT STILL WONT MATTER.




Because when you enter your base, you are loading into a separate cell. So you will ONLY ever see your own base, not someone else's.


This is why I suggested limiting the variety of the layout for underground bases to no more the 4 or 5 different possibilities. Would save on the stress to the servers, I suspect.

Edited by Crazykage

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Yeah this idea doesn't work at all if 2 people join a server with bases in the same location. If they have instances where you can only go in to your base it's kinda lame because then people couldn't steal your stuff? This would make dying pretty pointless as you could just collect a massive amount of everything and never worry again

Edited by Timmymachine109

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I am not a big fan of bases, tents: ok, hidden bags in a tree: ok, underground caches: ok, but bases? Not so much.

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The base itself (from a programing perspective) would not PHYSICALLY be a part of the map. it would be an entirely separate cell that you load into, with the environment rendered by the server (hence the limited number of layouts), and the equipment/items (as well as the base's access location) attached to your character the same way your character and his items are attached to the hive.


As to the problem of dying and running back to your base to resupply, your base data gets wiped on death, just like the rest of your character data. The new guy you spawn as wouldn't know about the hidden cache, after all...

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If we can burn it or at least burn what is inside, ok. :)

I think that the main idea must be: nothing is safe, anyone can steal it from you with the right common tools. Which defeat the purpose of a "safe storage", but i don't like the idea of a safe storage. Just my personal opinion.

Edited by SixGunLover

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^agreed. Adding to my other ideas then:


Hypothetically, if I follow another player to his base, and see which one he goes into, I can wait for him to leave, then go in, loot what I want and burn the rest to the (under) ground. His own fault for not being smart enough to watch his back.

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What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of the women.

Not hidey holes that only exist in particular dimensions.

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