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Question about Cars !

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Standart cars 

Make it so you can craft metal sheets

attach sheets to car to make it more bulletproof but at the cost of speed. The more weight - the slower it goes. 

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we will get civilian and military vehicles. but we wont get tanks, apcs, ifvs or any other stupid unbeatable armored vehicles like that.

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Standart cars 

Make it so you can craft metal sheets

attach sheets to car to make it more bulletproof but at the cost of speed. The more weight - the slower it goes. 



Agree with this, standard cars, no guns but passengers should be able to shoot obviously with large loss to accuracy unless the car is stationary.

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What about 'Technicals'?

there were Techies in the Mod.

I hope we will get Techies with spikes at the front, like those Techies you see in many apocalyptic movies. (raiders driving with armored techies around)

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Standart cars 

Make it so you can craft metal sheets

attach sheets to car to make it more bulletproof but at the cost of speed. The more weight - the slower it goes. 


Or the heavier it is, the less fuel economy it has, i.e. uses fuel faster.

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