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Home Sweet Home

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So in my most recent spawn, after gathering some basic supplies from a coastal town (and getting chased by a pair of new spawns. Seriously, is there no honor among bambies? We should be working together not beating each other to death in the streets.) I ran directly inland, ignoring the roads and stumbled upon an isolated little town.


It was just 5 or 6 houses surrounded by woodland with no roads connecting it directly to the coast. I'm not going to say it's name because I don't want to log in to find myself surrounded by bandits. Anyway, it's got a water pump and food spawns, and it's so out of the way that the only way to find it would be to literally go stumbling blind through the forest and trip over it by accident (like I did). I only encountered two Zeds, both pretty spread out which made them easy to deal with.


So yeah. I think I found my new home. Water, food, shelter and once you get the ability to build barricades, I can turn it into my own little Fortress of Safetetude.

Edited by NotFish
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I know where you are ;) I've actually never been there, always wanted to check that place out though.


The problem with fresh-spawn beating the hell out of each other is simply because they don't have to lose anything, so risk vs reward is a simple calculation to make. I've been attacked by two guys today, even though I had an M4A1 and was fully kitted and they had only weak melee weapons. I understood their motivation though, they had only a few cans of beans on them, so not much to lose for them, but a lot to fight for.

(Even if they'd killed me they would've been dead anyway, my buddies were just two floors below)

Edited by Baarn

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I know where you are ;) I've actually never been there, always wanted to check that place out though.

Yeah? Then where am I, smartypants?  :P

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I wouldn't log out in town, anywhere. Also, unless you advertise your server, most people won't bother to figure out the server. Way too much effort.

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