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End Spawn Suicide

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people dont have time running all the way across chernarus just to meet up. It takes too long and some people will abandon the game.

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-I am trying to understand why you're being so hostile and antagonistic, and I'm not coming up with anything at all. Is it possible for you to disagree with someone without resorting to personal attacks and completely unnecessary insults? Believe it or not, not everyone who has different opinions than you is a brain-dead idiot.
I never said that, YOU DID, I am being so called hostile, because of your ignorant response; "Okay, sorry. Yeah. I can't imagine longer straws at which you might grasp. Do you have real objections to this suggestion, or just fantasy land stuff like this?"
You state that my reply is fantasy land stuff?  To me, that is a personal attack.  Maybe not to everyone, but it is to me.  That comment was totally unecessary.  Instead of making something as half assed as that you could have actually made a well constructed reply on how my post is wrong


-I would really appreciate it if you could try hard to just discuss your ideas like an adult, and not inject more of your pointless vitriol into this thread.
I wish you could too.
-With spawn points clustered the way they are now, you are at most 4000m from any other spawn point, which takes ~10 minutes to run. So, I disagree that players would take this route. It would not save them any time over simply running to where they want to be. In fact, it would probably take longer.
They aren't clustered. More than half the spawns are centralized in one area.  This area is not that far from elektro, or from Berezino.  Those are two directions people head in.  Bambis can ask people on the run if they can kill them, or they could head to the cities, where people looking for a fight, fully geared maniacs, are at waiting to shred them up and have fun.  Both sides win.
-Besides, Dean has announced that server-swapping will be addressed in the next patch (see here). Players are not going to be allowed to quickly change servers anymore, so staying on a server and running to where you want to be will be vastly superior to hunting around on other servers for a murderer.
Most of the forum has already read that.  It is faster to get killed on the run or to elektro than it is to find a gun, ammo, and supplies at the current state of the game.  When loot is finished, then you would be right.


-I feel like we have discussed this. There are no longer any spawn points in Elektro, Cherno or Balota (and there never have been any in Stary Sobor). There's a spawn point in Novy Sobor, but you get it maybe 1 out of every ~20 spawns. You would absolutely get there faster just by running.
Not true at the moment, although it is uncommon to spawn in those cities, it is very possible.  I have spawned in Elektro countless of times.  Novy Sobor is a very rare spawn on the other hand.  The cities are easy and fast to get to.  With one road connecting them, it is likely to meet another player to ask him to kill you.
-You've said that, mate. You don't have to keep saying it. Also, you might want to switch over to using "IMO" instead of "IMHO" because you do not deliver your opinion in a manner that any reasonable person would describe as "humble."
H isn't for humble, it is for honest.  I am reaffirming my position, and again you don't have to continue with the trite immature replies.  Even if I am doing it, it doesn't mean you have to be a sheeple and do the same thing.  That is why too many fights happen in public schools.
-I'm not sure if this is a serious suggestion; I don't understand why you keep proposing it. If the map had a single spawn point, it would be constantly watched by a dozen snipers and assault riflers on every server. New spawns wouldn't get 5m without being gunned down.
Yes, you are right.  Which is exactly why there would be snipers and infantry (not assault riflers, not a term) there in the cities.  Save for the unecessary attack, if all your posts were as reasonable as this, you wouldn't be complaining about me.

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How about a 20 to 30 minute respawn timer?


I vote for this.


If the player kills themselves by suicide he gets a 30 minute timer before he can play again.


This frees up resources on the server and it no longer has to keep track of the hundreds of bodies these kids create in the server maybe the bodies can stay for longer than 10 minutes.

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I vote for this.


If the player kills themselves by suicide he gets a 30 minute timer before he can play again.


This frees up resources on the server and it no longer has to keep track of the hundreds of bodies these kids create in the server maybe the bodies can stay for longer than 10 minutes.

 I think this is a good idea, although there would be strong opposition and damaging to game growth.

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 I think this is a good idea, although there would be strong opposition and damaging to game growth.


which is a good thing imho. A large comunity usually means a unmature community... I'd rather have DayZ stay a niche game

Edited by Weparo

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OP the very trailer for the game depicts a suicide. I'm sorry to tell you this but if the events of DayZ really happened a lot of people would choose to opt out, there's nothing at all unrealistic about suicide. Now, to tackle this issue from the perspective of pure gameplay, I don't kill myself just to get a better spawn, but there have been times I have wanted my character to die for other reasons. If I want to I should be able to, it's a sandbox. It also doesn't affect me at all if someone kills themselves for a better spawn, I just don't care, why do you care so much?

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OP the very trailer for the game depicts a suicide. I'm sorry to tell you this but if the events of DayZ really happened a lot of people would choose to opt out, there's nothing at all unrealistic about suicide.


If you read the OP, you will notice that I talk about appropriate forms of suicide ("It should be a last resort for incapacitated, starving or hopelessly lost survivors who have given up").


This isn't about ending all suicide, it's specifically about ending spawn selection suicide. If you've broken a leg and you're beyond hope, okay. If you can't find food or water and you just want to "give up," fine. If your best friend died in your arms and you're heartbroken and want to end it all, okay. These are all "authentic" forms of suicide and I'm perfectly fine with that. They're all things that, incidentally, aren't likely to occur within an hour or two of spawning.


But, sorry, arguing "realism" when it comes to people pitching themselves off of water towers by the dozen because they want to be instantly reincarnated on the beach a few kilometers away to save themselves a couple minutes of running is a tiny bit of bullshit. Killing yourself because you're too lazy to walk two miles is not, in my opinion, what the trailer is attempting to depict.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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The theory is alright, but this and the spawn changes they made shouldn't happen until there is a reason to actually travel around in the game.  There are no cars to fix, no bikes to ride, no tents to find, no bases to build, no random events, no heli crashes, etc.  There is literally no reason to do anything between towns, you just autorun and experience absolutely nothing outside of a chance player encounter, commonly just geared people blasting you who happened to see you first/camping coast or the naked guy with nothing/axe running to meet his friend/heading to military gear across the map.  Zombies are no threat, the only things you need to survive are plentiful; there's simply nothing between getting some food, then your first pistol/starter main gun, and heading to military loot.  You are not going to experience anything from the environment itself because none of that is implemented.


This pushes many players to want to go places with other players since there's literally nothing else, and since there's nothing else offered by the environment other than the big cities loot/military loot, that's where you're going to find the players.  These changes as proposed and already executed (spawn changes) create an extra burden on people simply looking to go out and do the only thing this game currently offers, crazy zany random interactions with people, by spreading them out along the coast and adding long runs between spawns and an action center like a big town.  So of course people are going to suicide when this is the case in order to get the best possible spawn where they can get to the action.  "Fixing" this part now just further forces that model of "run for 10-30 minutes to the action center with nothing to do every time you die."  No thanks, give me something to do/interact with beyond "oh another can of beans in this random small town that's totally irrelevant" during that 10-30 minute run.  Until that stuff gets implemented, it's just forcing a person to run a long way to the action centers for the sake of forcing them to run a long way.  If they were forcing that run in order to get me to experience cool stuff that's in the game, that makes sense, that's not what is going on here though.


This is the cart before the horse.  You don't create the running grind before you create in-game environmental reasons for that grind to actually exist.

Edited by BonnyBrown
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If you read the OP, you will notice that I talk about appropriate forms of suicide ("It should be a last resort for incapacitated, starving or hopelessly lost survivors who have given up").


This isn't about ending all suicide, it's specifically about ending spawn selection suicide. If you've broken a leg and you're beyond hope, okay. If you can't find food or water and you just want to "give up," fine. If your best friend died in your arms and you're heartbroken and want to end it all, okay. These are all "authentic" forms of suicide and I'm perfectly fine with that. They're all things that, incidentally, aren't likely to occur within an hour or two of spawning.


But, sorry, arguing "realism" when it comes to people pitching themselves off of water towers by the dozen because they want to be instantly reincarnated on the beach a few kilometers away to save themselves a couple minutes of running is a tiny bit of bullshit. Killing yourself because you're too lazy to walk two miles is not, in my opinion, what the trailer is attempting to depict.


That's nice, but in your haste to delete half of my post from the quotation you forgot to answer the question I asked in closing my post:


Now, to tackle this issue from the perspective of pure gameplay, I don't kill myself just to get a better spawn, but there have been times I have wanted my character to die for other reasons. If I want to I should be able to, it's a sandbox. It also doesn't affect me at all if someone kills themselves for a better spawn, I just don't care, why do you care so much?


Emphasis mine. This is my key question. Why do you care so much? I haven't seen anyone explain why bambis killing themselves is such a bad thing.

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That's nice, but in your haste to delete half of my post from the quotation you forgot to answer the question I asked in closing my post:


I didn't address it because I don't understand how it's relevant. Nothing about this suggestion stops you from killing yourself. You can kill yourself as often as you want in as many various creative ways as you see fit. 


The only thing my suggestion does is not assign you a new spawn point every time. It doesn't prevent suicide, it just prevents spawn point selection by suicide. It doesn't restrict your freedom in any way. It just removes what I feel is a rather artificial excuse for suicide. Killing yourself should be a serious choice - not one to be made so flippantly because you would rather die than have to go through the trouble of running a mile down the road.


Why do you care so much? I haven't seen anyone explain why bambis killing themselves is such a bad thing.


I'm not sure what you mean by "so much." This change is rather simple to implement and has very little impact on game play. It's not like I'm up-in-arms or pissed off about it. Just a simple suggestion to make the game feel slightly more authentic.


As to why, I address that very clearly in the OP. You may not agree with what I said, but I definitely think I explained pretty well why I think this change would be appropriate:



This disregard for survival is anathema to the idea of being a "Survivor," as we all are meant to be. It also trivializes the spawn system design, which is meant to challenge players by isolating them and forcing them to get their bearings and travel some distance before meeting up with squad mates, finding high-value military loot, or just getting clear of the coastal war zone.


In short, killing yourself should never be an advantageous course of action.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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The only thing my suggestion does is not assign you a new spawn point every time. It doesn't prevent suicide, it just prevents spawn point selection by suicide. It doesn't restrict your freedom in any way.


But why do you care if people do this? How does it affect you in any way if someone spawns in Stary Sobor and would rather spawn somewhere like Berezino?

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But why do you care if people do this? How does it affect you in any way if someone spawns in Stary Sobor and would rather spawn somewhere like Berezino?


It seems like you are of the opinion that someone must be personally affected by something in order to have an opinion about a game feature or mechanic. I neither understand nor share this opinion. I wouldn't personally be affected if people wanted to run around wearing faerie wings, singing show tunes and tossing handfuls of glitter into the air either, but I would certainly suggest that perhaps it is inappropriate for ​the theme and setting of DayZ.


Like I said in the OP, Dean disabled the Respawn button for a reason. People were overusing it in order to decide where they wanted to spawn, and Dean wanted that to stop because he felt that the game feels more authentic if you play the hand you're dealt and do your best to survive. I happen to agree with this opinion. Whether it affects me or not doesn't really enter into it. The game, as a whole, feels more authentic if massive piles of dead bodies aren't heaped up at the base of every water tower on the coast.

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It seems like you are of the opinion that someone must be personally affected by something in order to have an opinion about a game feature or mechanic.


Not at all, I just want to know why you care so much. I see this issue brought up quite a lot and I don't understand why people are so bothered.


Like I said in the OP, Dean disabled the Respawn button for a reason. People were overusing it in order to decide where they wanted to spawn, and Dean wanted that to stop because he felt that the game feels more authentic if you play the hand you're dealt and do your best to survive. I happen to agree with this opinion. Whether it affects me or not doesn't really enter into it. The game, as a whole, feels more authentic if massive piles of dead bodies aren't heaped up at the base of every water tower on the coast.


Personally I think the game could use a lot more dead bodies, I mean there should at least be some bones around even if we try to rationalise that a lot of time has passed since the outbreak. Of course, I think dead bodies should be treated as an exceptionally low (or non-)priority when I think about what else needs fixing, just like I think caring about if newspawns suicide is a total non-issue. I just don't see why people care, at least not yet.

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Your wish has come true?!?

I cant kill myself from a fall for the life of me!

No matter how high I jump, I'm just fine.

I'm sure it's just temporary but, it's a little weird.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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Yesterday I was freshspawn after silly slipping from steps of castle Zub. There was another freshspawn too who asked me to kill him cause bad place. I denied that and started to run, couple hours after I had survived attacks of z`s and random firefight in elektro (I did not have gun, I just ran away while others were shooting me too) and I was in inland to loot no visited villages with good equipment. I survived cause I didnt give up and surviving from difficult places is sugar of this game, imo.

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