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These alpha bugs are killing me, literally.

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Got an M4 for the first time last night. Died immediately because the ladder glitched and as i was pressing down/back to walk down it puts me back on the roof and I walk backwards and fall off and die. Then I find a magnum but its having trouble with me moving it to my inventory then all the sudden it says I'm unconscious. Just now after i picked up another magnum i walk to the top of an apartment complex and then I get rubberbanded out the window and die. Really can't wait til this game is further along.

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My guy literally dies for no reason sometimes,


It's the most annoying thing but hey ho it's what we signed up for :P

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runle #1 for dayz standalone alpha should be:


Dont get attached to your gear


just dont, it may be hard for some. if the ingame bugs dont get you then there is always the random login and all your stuff is gone bugs. Just learn to shrug it off and play on because its Alpha, that comes before beta.

Edited by Byzan

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I've never experienced these types of bugs in my ~60 hours of play. What kind of pings and desync numbers are you getting when these issues are occurring?

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I've died to ladders and one chair broke my leg and another pushed me through a second floor wall and I plummeted to my death. At least I haven't lost any limbs or died to gates.

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My guy literally dies for no reason sometimes,


It's the most annoying thing but hey ho it's what we signed up for :P




My favourite death so far has got to be this one...


I'd died to the dreaded ladder bug the night before and lost a relatively old char so I was dead set on gearing up fast without dying. Spawned by Elektro and popped into a few houses to grab super basic supplies and a drink of water before heading north. I made my way to Krastinav airfield stopping at every single town on the way and looting them dry, pretty much had everything by the time I got there.


I approached from the north as there's the least amount of open terrain to cross that way and made my way to the first building with the holding cells. The doors were closed so I knew it hadn't been looted. I checked the ground floor and found an M4, but no ammo. Next I headed upstairs and proned out to check under the beds...


You are dead.


Followed by the fastest rage quit imaginable.

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Dont get attached to your gear




I hope it stays that way after the full release..

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That is painful dude.


My worst ahs got to be my attempt to do a full lap of chernarus, started at nwaf and was at the neaf, stopped to get a drink, and bam! dead :(


Made me nearly cry

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I've never experienced these types of bugs in my ~60 hours of play. What kind of pings and desync numbers are you getting when these issues are occurring?



My ping is normally 30 and idk about desync, but it is very very rare for me to have it, only 2 times in 30 hours and they both lasted 5 secs

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That is painful dude.


My worst ahs got to be my attempt to do a full lap of chernarus, started at nwaf and was at the neaf, stopped to get a drink, and bam! dead :(


Made me nearly cry


I thought it was something to do with the upper floor of those buildings, like maybe I'd fallen through the floor or something... But I guess God's wrath can strike anywhere, any time...

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I thought it was something to do with the upper floor of those buildings, like maybe I'd fallen through the floor or something... But I guess Deans' wrath can strike anywhere, any time...



Fixed ;)

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