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New player, not understanding some things..

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So I read a lot of the newbie posts and guides and some stuff just doesn't make sense or isn't working as I think it should for me.


When I join a server I get a new character.  Is that my character ONLY on that 1 server?  So basically if the other 40 people log out then I'm playing by myself?


How come I can't respawn... EVER?  I get a "preparing, testing 1-2-3 and then nothing but a black screen.  I never respawn ever.  Makes it hard to pick a server and play there if I can never respawn


How do you know what is "inland" to go loot?  I started on a map, I ran around for a full hour.  This was supposedly a 38/40 server.  I never saw 1 person.  I saw 3 zombies...I eventually just quit and went to do something else


What is the purpose of magazines and other stuff that has no nutritional value and doesn't work as a weapon?


I have never once seen "meds" of any kind so how do I freakin stop from bleeding?  I read I need to tear a shirt up among other things.  When I see a shirt my only option is picking it up.  Only once have I see the option to tear a shirt up.


I did find a medkit once, but it was "stuck" in the wall and I was not able to pick it up.  I've seen this 3-4 times already.  Items stuck in walls near doors and I can't take them!


When I hit "/" key and type does anyone see it, because no one ever answers?  Also I do not have a MIC hooked up as my computer is in the family room and people are usually watching TV but I should still be able to hear people right?  I've never heard anyone?


How do you make "gestures"?  Someone like waved at me once, sat down on the ground, threw his hands up in the air...The only thing I can find to do is Crouch, Lay and Stand...?


How do you drop something?  When I drag something from my inventory to the left side, it disappears.  It does not go on the ground, it's just gone!


Thanks to anyone who can give me some quick answers so I can hopefully enjoy this game more because right now I'm finding it hard to enjoy walking around aimlessly with no interaction what so ever with anyone other than those who simply want to kill me for items they don't need and end my time on that server since I can't respawn

Edited by ChaosPinhead

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The gestures can be bound in the options, but they are default to f1, f2, and f3 - excluding the taunt. You've probably not seen anyone because the spawns have recently changed, and you have to remember that chernarus is 25km2.

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Your character is shared against ALL public servers.


People will only see your typing/hear you speaking within a certain distance; there is no global chat.

Edited by Applejaxc

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Lets go in order:


1. Your character and location do not change as you move from server to server. But if everyone else logs off but you, yes, you'll be playing alone.


2. It's a bug in the game. To respawn, simply swap severs.


3. Most spawns are on the coast. http://dayzdb.com/map#2.079.069 This map should help you get your bearings for looting. (Warning, spoilers on loot info. You may or may not like that)


4. By magazine I'm guessing you don't mean weapon magazines. Some objects are useless, books in particular. Perhaps someone else will know a use for them, but I've seen that some people try to collect them.


5. True medical supplies are very rare. To make a field bandage, simply right click on your shirt and tear it to rags. Rags work as bandages and will stop bleeding. Yes, you have to pick up the shirt or take it off your body to tear it. So just do that. I'd recommend immediately tearing your starting shirt to rags. 


The Medkit in the wall, if it's the one I'm thinking of, is purely superficial. Misleading, definitely.


6. The game only allows local area chat, not accross the whole world. This helps realism.


7. Controls for gestures can be found ingame.




8. You are dropping it correctly. The game occasionally will take ages to show dropped items for some reason. It's a server side issue which the devs are currently working hard to fix. Wait around a while and the dropped item should pop up.

Edited by Dellema
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I can never respawn either when I die, I hit the re-spawn button then log out, log back in and it respawns me (only when I've died...) think it's a bug.


Throw your tshirt on the floor, right click it and select tear - that will give you rags you can use as bandages.


Head inland ASAP...more loot and less maniacs.

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Yikes! Ok so this is a lot to cover. First off welcome to the community, second i am going to recommend watching some YouTube videos. The game is unforgiving to new players and YouTube will help butt loads. I have a few channel with some gameplay videos that might help out a little. I would suggest starting here and the browse a little bit.


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heres a few things ive learned, there are night servers and day servers, you might be spawning in to a night server and not seeing you char cause its pitch black, you will usually spawn 2 locations, in both cases if you run by the water and its on your left hand side you are running west, double tap W to sprint and outrun zombies, look for supplies in buildings, shirts pants book bags food and water, also look for an axe, tab key brings up the inventory, small buildings ususaly don't have much good in them, map pieces are ususaly found in gas stations, there is no marker and you don't get a full map, read town signs so you can orient yourself, dayzmap.com for reference purpose, there is no player indicator so you have to learn to read direction and use map as you would in real life, if you ever get hurt and the screen turns blurry go to options while in game and hit the visuals settings it will take the blurr away, if youre colors look washed out it means you lost some blood or might be sick, don't eat rotten food, screw driver or a can opener will open canned food, tear shirts in to rags. Don't trust anyone, most will kill you on sight. and don't be afraid to die, cause you will a lot and use empty servers that way you can gather supplies


Add me on steam if you like I will give you some tips

Steam SN:  Aurvakis

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I can never respawn either when I die, I hit the re-spawn button then log out, log back in and it respawns me (only when I've died...) think it's a bug.


Throw your tshirt on the floor, right click it and select tear - that will give you rags you can use as bandages.


Head inland ASAP...more loot and less maniacs.

Happens to me to, I have to exit and then log back on to the server. It's no big deal to me but can be annoying some times. Hope this helps.

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Wow thanks for all the great replies, it helps a lot.  So basically I can jump servers and I still have the same character and my supplies.  That is good to know because I can't find anything on the server I'm on and I'm going to starve soon but I've collected quite a lot of stuff , just not food to be found anywhere.  Been through every house in like 4 towns.


As for respawn, glad I'm not the only one with that problem.

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So I read a lot of the newbie posts and guides and some stuff just doesn't make sense or isn't working as I think it should for me.


When I join a server I get a new character.  Is that my character ONLY on that 1 server?  So basically if the other 40 people log out then I'm playing by myself?


How come I can't respawn... EVER?  I get a "preparing, testing 1-2-3 and then nothing but a black screen.  I never respawn ever.  Makes it hard to pick a server and play there if I can never respawn


How do you know what is "inland" to go loot?  I started on a map, I ran around for a full hour.  This was supposedly a 38/40 server.  I never saw 1 person.  I saw 3 zombies...I eventually just quit and went to do something else


What is the purpose of magazines and other stuff that has no nutritional value and doesn't work as a weapon?


I have never once seen "meds" of any kind so how do I freakin stop from bleeding?  I read I need to tear a shirt up among other things.  When I see a shirt my only option is picking it up.  Only once have I see the option to tear a shirt up.


I did find a medkit once, but it was "stuck" in the wall and I was not able to pick it up.  I've seen this 3-4 times already.  Items stuck in walls near doors and I can't take them!


When I hit "/" key and type does anyone see it, because no one ever answers?  Also I do not have a MIC hooked up as my computer is in the family room and people are usually watching TV but I should still be able to hear people right?  I've never heard anyone?


How do you make "gestures"?  Someone like waved at me once, sat down on the ground, threw his hands up in the air...The only thing I can find to do is Crouch, Lay and Stand...?


How do you drop something?  When I drag something from my inventory to the left side, it disappears.  It does not go on the ground, it's just gone!


Thanks to anyone who can give me some quick answers so I can hopefully enjoy this game more because right now I'm finding it hard to enjoy walking around aimlessly with no interaction what so ever with anyone other than those who simply want to kill me for items they don't need and end my time on that server since I can't respawn

You will find out all the answers yourself if you just continue playing the game. These are the kinds of things i wondered about when i first started playin but honestly you wont find the answers on here you need to play the game and i promise you will answer all your own questions.

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Wow thanks for all the great replies, it helps a lot.  So basically I can jump servers and I still have the same character and my supplies.  That is good to know because I can't find anything on the server I'm on and I'm going to starve soon but I've collected quite a lot of stuff , just not food to be found anywhere.  Been through every house in like 4 towns.


As for respawn, glad I'm not the only one with that problem.

Careful your treading on server hopping ground there, i think most people would probably  prefer you starved and when you said how tough it was they would be like ' good its meant to be tough' whilst they have a backpack full of food they wont ever eat.

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