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Settling Down - Bases

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So I was talking to my friend yesterday about cars and then at some point bases came out. We were thinking about a nice place to set camp, not too far up north but not too close to the coast either. So as I'm typing this I came across this place:




There is only one opening in the fence, enough place for a Little Bird maybe, and I could probably slip a car through there too. There is also this shack that could protect me/us from rain and any wild animals(?). So what potential base spots have you scouted so far? Have you even thought about it? Leave a reply and some pics if you can :D. Thanks and good luck.

Edited by raynor009
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Haven't even considered it considering what will change, but I hope that we can place storage units (like tents) in buildings this time. I'd post up in a building...assuming they fix ghosting.

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I like it dude,


There is a rather small town east of the NEAF, it's not officially a town but has like 5 houses and a barn to the hills in the north,


Welcome to woodbury :P

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Share my fave base spots?? no way!! lol :) 


Mine would be off in the woods in 1 of 3 spots that luckily survived into SA. Building near structures would feel a bit to exposed for me....i like a tight group of lush pine trees to nestle my tents in :)

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I found an awesome spot behind NW Airfield.. probably a quite common one though.. but the feel of an "abandoned" railwaystation with even some traincarts left.. + some kiosks etc..   just immediately thought of this same idea "this is where Ill setup my base" =) 

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Share my fave base spots?? no way!! lol :)


Mine would be off in the woods in 1 of 3 spots that luckily survived into SA. Building near structures would feel a bit to exposed for me....i like a tight group of lush pine trees to nestle my tents in :)


If it's still Chernarus we are talking about here then you got no place to hide from me hehe... As soon as I get my hands on a vehicle I will be searching for peoples camps and bases like a mad man . I played the mod a lot and I know every single potential base spot.

Edited by raynor009

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You are so wrong raynor ;-) I had many tents in mod, All them got robbed except one, this will be my hiding spot in SA. It was never found and survived months. I hope it will work this time too.

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In the mod i always made stashes and tents in the ruined village of Kumryna, south of Guglovo. In a month of playing it was never discovered and people rarely venture in to look around as they assume nothing of value will be there. Was nice having a little campfire in the ruins of my ol' church :p

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deep NW down the back side of a hill had a camp site for many months . very hard to get to without transportation .

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If we will be able to lock or craft doors, I will create my base in one of the apartments, on 4-5th floor

Edited by Gdaddy22

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Im hoping the forest density improves and they introduce treehouse building with placeable ladders....my minecraft building skills will then be put to some good use lol

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Rog actually.


Not too far north lol. Ima tell you right now, putting a base at Rog is a massive mistake, especially now that the spawns are different.


The north has been massively expanded and the north west as well. I would think about those places.

Edited by Good Greef

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Haven't even considered it considering what will change, but I hope that we can place storage units (like tents) in buildings this time. I'd post up in a building...assuming they fix ghosting.


If you plan on having a base that you've built from the ground up, you'd have to do that on a private hive, or a private server linked to the main hive.

That way ghosting is almost impossible.

Edited by FlyingPurpleHippo

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I've always liked the Zelenogorsk apartments. I enjoy watching the street and reading books that I find. I have quite a bit of food stored by the bed. If it's dangerous out on the street I like to take my axe out and clear the bastards out. I'm right next to the old police car and shop, too.

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Not too far north lol. Ima tell you right now, putting a base at Rog is a massive mistake, especially now that the spawns are different.


The north has been massively expanded and the north west as well. I would think about those places.


Who said I'm going to make my base there? I just said it would be a nice spot. The view from on top of the antenna is awesome.

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