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I Love Weed

homemade silencer

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this is a pretty good idea. it should also be noted that those makeshift silencers only work for like 2 or 3 shots, adding that will make you take careful aim. i personaly think that if this is added, then plastic bottens should not be "too common", maybe if used in combination with tape

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You would still need subsonic ammo to be completely silent, and i'm pretty sure anything above a .22 or maybe a low powered .38 would just cause the bottle to explode rather than achieve any sort of suppressing effect.

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eh..i don't really see it as practical its not like the average person knows how to make one of these from scratch...and u def don't have access to the youtubes once the Zambie apocalypse hits

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eh..i don't really see it as practical its not like the average person knows how to make one of these from scratch...and u def don't have access to the youtubes once the Zambie apocalypse hits

How do you think the first guy who made this figured it out?

Supersonic bullets would still be okay, the supersonic crack is made by the bullet, but it doesn't really give away where the shooter is, since the crack follow the bullet.

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