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Are ruined bullets still accurate?

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I was at NWAF when a shot rang above the head of my friend and I, I took to my mosin and quickly killed the guy. I struct him in his tactical vest and found ruined mosin ammo and revolver ammo which I needed so I took the bullets. Will the ruined ammo affect the accuracy of my shots? I have a pristine scope currently on my mosin.

Edited by LeeFriendField

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I was about to ask the same question. I have 100+ round so M4A1 ammo that I was going to give away if it could be usable.

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I was about to ask the same question. I have 100+ round so M4A1 ammo that I was going to give away if it could be usable.

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Edited by Guest

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Triple post you mean :P


To the OP. I think they're still accurate. As far as I know, it's only the weapons condition that matters.

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I was under the impression that they were less accurate until I realised how inaccurate the FNX45 was with pristine ammo. Though to be fair for most things bar weapon attachments and Magazines everything with a Ruined condition appears to be still usable. 

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Would be cool if devs implemented misfires or other ammo failures (hangfire etc) when ammo condition is less than 'worn' level.

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While I'm not sure if ammo quality can affect anything, I'm all but certain running a ruined mag through a weapon can jam it-- unless there is a hidden weapon condition at play as well, and the gun itself was ruined. Either is a likely scenario, especially since pistols are susceptible to being container-damaged from firefights.

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I was under the impression that they were less accurate until I realised how inaccurate the FNX45 was with pristine ammo. Though to be fair for most things bar weapon attachments and Magazines everything with a Ruined condition appears to be still usable. 

Edited by Jonah_Hobbes

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After getting hit by a Axe-wielding bandit everything was ruined. I noticed I could not equip the ruined magazine for the M4, not just one but 2 that were runied. I had to go and loot non-ruined beacuse of it.

Anyone else find this?

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No clue, but they should explode in the weapon when shot or atleast have chance to explode and destroy the weapon and damage you or even kill you.

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Edited by Guest

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Would be cool if devs implemented misfires or other ammo failures (hangfire etc) when ammo condition is less than 'worn' level.


Damaged ammunition with deformed bullets or where the propellant has degraded due to continued exposure to the elements should cause a reduction in accuracy.

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