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Hello guys!

So we noticed the content delivery hamsters were getting tired.

During patchdays we'd usually see 1.2Gbit/s sustained traffic from main mirror. Or roughly 2.8TB/6hours transfer.

The new mirror that has been put online is the French mirror thanks to the guys over at ViLAYER. We've got a few more coming soon at more hosts, multiple in UK and USA.

We still recommend that people use the Sixupdater method or download using torrents.

Contact me if you'd like to help out and setup a mirror. The main requirements are that it has bandwidth to spare (100Mbit/s is easily saturated during patchday), that it can run an effecient httpd such as nginx or similar. Can run cronjobs, bash and rsync.

We know that there are a couple of inofficial mirrors. But we'd like to remind everyone never to download files without verifying the md5checksums from our main repository.

Current official download mirrors can be found here.

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Thanks Ander!

Is the current latest.torrent link an actual RSS so torrent users can have this auto download by RSS within their clients? Or is it only a single file that needs to be manually downloaded each time?

Note: I tried added the torrent link as RSS feed in uTorrent, but it isn't automatically downloading the new files when added.

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i've tried contacting you ander but never get a reply, can you pm me so i can discuss my mirror with you please ?


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Some more transparancy regarding what the statistics and third-party stuff is all about would probably be a good idea.

Oh, nice with a thanks ;)

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I just found the UK mirror from the download link is still serving up a torrent link. Others are all on 1.7.2.

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I always have to manual download as Six doesnt work for me and i dont use torrents.

Its a shame you cant do a Newsgroup Option

If it was .nzb i could take that

and yes UK mirror is still behind

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Well Rss Torrents are fucking easy made using uCast plugin of utorrent ... http://uca.st/DayZ it allows collaboratory access and is stupidly simple


Edited by Z__Z

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with the new update the only mirror i can access is the sweedish mirror. wich is causeing a 5.6-15.3 kbs download speed and rather than sitting here for 7 hours while the update downloads i was wondering if anyone had a link to a US mirror or if there was a plan to put one up sometime in the near future?

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