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Suddenly stopping and unable to do anything.

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Is anyone else having this problem? Me and a buddy had this happen to us 4 times today. We'd be running and all of the sudden both of our cursors would jerk in another direction and we wouldn't be able to do anything besides Alt+F4. We can't even bring up the game menu...And we reverted to where we were a few minutes ago and it happened at the exact same time four separate times.


I apologize if this is the desync issue that I seen so many topics about, but nobody mentioned this happening in the first couple desync threads that I viewed, we both had desync issues earlier today, but this happened once inland today much earlier in our run. Then it happened along the shore 3 times in nearly the same exact place before we decided to call it a night. 


Any help or information that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. 

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my dayz buddy had this problem today as well and as a result lost all his gear due to a restart*


*he got killed by a guy who tried to off us both after I tried to initiate conversation with him... I hope he really feels dumb now because he gained nothing and even lost all his sweet gear. And he taught me something... now I can have a Mosin AND an M4 :)

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Are you playing on official servers UK/US/DE etc etc...


Yes of course.


It's rubberbanding


But why did it only start happening to me yesterday? Hasn't this been an issue since that game was released?

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What the OP is talking about isn't rubberbanding. What happens is when you are running, all of a sudden you stop and start spinning in a slow circle. I've had this a few times and generally comes only after I die and use the respawn button. Only fix I've come across is what you say - alt+f4. Only preventative measure you can take is when you die, relog the server instead of using the respawn button.

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Is anyone else having this problem? Me and a buddy had this happen to us 4 times today. We'd be running and all of the sudden both of our cursors would jerk in another direction and we wouldn't be able to do anything besides Alt+F4. We can't even bring up the game menu...And we reverted to where we were a few minutes ago and it happened at the exact same time four separate times.


I apologize if this is the desync issue that I seen so many topics about, but nobody mentioned this happening in the first couple desync threads that I viewed, we both had desync issues earlier today, but this happened once inland today much earlier in our run. Then it happened along the shore 3 times in nearly the same exact place before we decided to call it a night. I have to add, that for the first few days of me playing the game (around NY), right before that patch, I didn't experience these problems, then they started to happen frequently.


Any help or information that anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. 


This is the reason that i took a break from this game until this is fixed. I just don't have patience anymore to go through restarting the game when i freeze, and get transported 5 min of sprinting back. It's NOT lag, it's NOT rubberbanding per se, it's a problem on a whole different level.

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Yep, not rubberbanding, there's a few reports on it already.



Happened to me twice just now, first time the character was spinning and second time stuck still. Time to stop playing until next patch I guess.

 exactly what happened to me just now... i was searching for loot at the NEAF and was "teleported" into the woods, spinning around without any control... i restartet the game, my character was on a position i had been 5-10 mins before, at the heli crash near the shore noth of berezino... i ran to NEAF again and just before i enter the first building i find myself next to the crashsite again unable to do anything

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Any progress in this game regarding this issue? It's basically the only reason I don't play at the moment.

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