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Bulletin Board

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This is a small idea that could go well with the upcoming development of base building. Say you have a group of friends in one base and one day you get shot at by a bandit. You make it back to base and put up on the bulletin board his Description, what he did, and possibly his name. Your friends, when they log on (say you're offline at the time), can now go search for him and seek revenge. This could also go well with wanted posters.


Make a note that I'm not saying they walk up to it and accept it as a quest. It's just they can go read it and it's more of a "Do on your own at your discretion" kind of deal.

Edited by Shadow134

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Not bad, but interactive bulletin board might be difficult to code. Maybe i could try to and send it to the developement team. Maybe they use it and give J credit.

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