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wear headphones or turn up your volume. I have no trouble hearing someone sneaking around crouched from a few rooms away if I'm wearing headphones.

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wear headphones or turn up your volume. I have no trouble hearing someone sneaking around crouched from a few rooms away if I'm wearing headphones.

uh ... no

I have headphones and still - someone sneaking is 100% silent

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wear headphones or turn up your volume. I have no trouble hearing someone sneaking around crouched from a few rooms away if I'm wearing headphones.


yeah that is my thinking as well. I thought it was a bit too loud actually.



uh ... no

I have headphones and still - someone sneaking is 100% silent




something must be messed up with your game, no one has ever been 100% silent for me.

Edited by BluntsAndBeats

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hm ... no idea honestly, it has happened more than once that someone just popped up right next to me while I was actively listening for sounds around me

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