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Server Countdown

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Hi there,


is there any chance to readout the 4h server countdown [console, chat]? Sometimes it´s annoying, visiting a new server: yellow, red chain... over. No chance to hide.



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Pick a better place to de-spawn. Sounds like you're not thinking this through.

I think you may be the confused one. I believe OP was trying recommend some sort server-side alert that would warn people when a server reset is about to happen, as opposed to right now where unless you know when the last reset took place, the server can reset at inopportune times for you and put you in a bad situation when you get back on

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1. You are on a Server, everythings fine. Yellow chain: "Maybe Serverrestart?" . You are slowly preparing, go into trees or house. Something like that. OK you realize its a server restart.

2. Visiting new Server.

3. Your spawnposition is not where you saw first time the red counter (after red chain symbol; you know what I mean), cause the sever went down already 1-5 min. ago. - this "new" position is sometimes in a bad location (road etc.)


4. So, when there is an exactly server countdown, you could prepare a bit better your disconnection. 

5. You could also watch out for a server that is longer online than 30 min. 

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I think you may be the confused one. I believe OP was trying recommend some sort server-side alert that would warn people when a server reset is about to happen, as opposed to right now where unless you know when the last reset took place, the server can reset at inopportune times for you and put you in a bad situation when you get back on


Thx dude. You hit the nail on the head :) . Learning english is process.

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I think you may be the confused one. I believe OP was trying recommend some sort server-side alert that would warn people when a server reset is about to happen, as opposed to right now where unless you know when the last reset took place, the server can reset at inopportune times for you and put you in a bad situation when you get back on

Yes Please!

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