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General Desire

I'm a dirty little hoarder

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The light shines bright when I wake up on the cold stones of my Black Mountain castle. This is the second day in a row that I feel that I'm healthy. I have a large backpack with plenty of food, a couple of soda cans, 3 canteens and 3 water bottles. I feel like I've outgrown my castle and see that I am close to Devil's Castle, the holy grail of medieval buildings. Something on my map gets my attention first, it's a couple of buildings near a railway and an intricate systems of roads. I decide to go there, only to find several pairs of pants on the floor. Whatever this was, this must have been one hell of a party. I decide to make my way through Gvozdno, looking for some loot. I find some gas canisters, a portable lamp and a portable stove, but deep inside I crave for something else. And boy, do I find it. Dozens of cans of spaghetti and beans, and enough soda to survive for a month. Quickly my backpack is completely full, but I keep finding more. I can barely eat fast enough to keep up with the vast supply of deliciousness and I feel my stomach playing up. The sugar in the soda is making me mad, I think I hear sounds everywhere. When I come across some meds I make the tough decision to leave my fourth and fifth water bottle which I had found on the way behind. It's ironic how medicine can break your heart. I keep running and decide to rest just outside Devil'ls Castle. I close my eyes and feel I lie quite comfortable on an ever-increasing layer of fat. I feel alone, alone with my food. It's the zombie apocalypse and I'm going to die of obesity. I am a dirty little hoarder.

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.. I geared up sh** loads of goodies... then climb a ladder POP! im dead some sorry dirty son of a.. :( my little things gone

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Found myself a nice quiet little spot in the north east, plenty of running water and supplies.. an almost untouched little paradise. I think I'm going to live a monks existence - contemplating life and eating beans.


By the way, I was at Devil's castle earlier, a wonderful little spot, but if you're like me and get a bit queasy about the falling off building/climbing ladder issue, don't walk around the edge of the castle wall... nearly shat myself earlier on.

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I was just there in hopes of a better life but there was NOTHING O,o and if there's anything, it's spawned in the floor and you can't get it...


BTW, random piece of info, just had the same bug twice; running along the NW airfield, on the little dirtroad that comes from the east. At some point I get sent back to the little village, mustve been at the same location twice, can not have been coincidence... I dont want to enter it from the east side lol, I suck at confrontations :')


Third time, and not completely unimportant; you can not move when it happens so basically you have to alt f4

Edited by General Desire

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My initial question would be, why are you filling up you limited storage with all that food and water?


I never carry any food with me, and I only carry 1 bottle of water and 1 canteen. If you eat food as you find it you shouldn't have to hoard it in your pack and there are wells everywhere. Makes no sense to me personally. 


I prefer to fill my pack with ammo, meds, attachments, etc...

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My initial question would be, why are you filling up you limited storage with all that food and water?


I never carry any food with me, and I only carry 1 bottle of water and 1 canteen. If you eat food as you find it you shouldn't have to hoard it in your pack and there are wells everywhere. Makes no sense to me personally. 


I prefer to fill my pack with ammo, meds, attachments, etc...


Because some people couldn't care less about killing people. One mag in my gun and one extra is all I ever carry to defend myself against bandits. Has been enough to take down three people in the same fight and I found plenty more on their corpses. All my other spots are for whatever random stuff I find.

Edited by hogs

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My initial question would be, why are you filling up you limited storage with all that food and water?


I never carry any food with me, and I only carry 1 bottle of water and 1 canteen. If you eat food as you find it you shouldn't have to hoard it in your pack and there are wells everywhere. Makes no sense to me personally. 


I prefer to fill my pack with ammo, meds, attachments, etc...





I am a monk who travels the north of Chernarus in search of enlightenment, and I am able to carry 2 magnums, 1 FP45 and several tins of beans along with my canteen and bottle of water...and a load of mags I can't even use.. maybe I will rename myself the 'Militant Monk' and carry Hare Krishna literature around with me, that I leave at the feet of those I must execute in the name of karma.

Edited by conan the librarian

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Yeah besides this I had 100 mosin bullets as well.. :) Backpacks are huge.

I reached the NW Airfield, there was tons of stuff, also found a pistol, a magnum (so decided to throw away food and stuff!), then got killed out of nowhere in an open field (not at the airfield :()


And I know I shouldn't take so much food, I just do cause I'm scared at some point I won't find anything lol.

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Yeah besides this I had 100 mosin bullets as well.. :) Backpacks are huge.

I reached the NW Airfield, there was tons of stuff, also found a pistol, a magnum (so decided to throw away food and stuff!), then got killed out of nowhere in an open field (not at the airfield :()


And I know I shouldn't take so much food, I just do cause I'm scared at some point I won't find anything lol.


General, one must always carry plentiful food. I am sorry to hear of your demise, although I am a lone wolf by nature as I suspect you are, perhaps we could form a remote monastery to protect the faint hearted from hurt and pain, and give revenge to those who deserve it.

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Found myself a nice quiet little spot in the north east, plenty of running water and supplies.. an almost untouched little paradise. I think I'm going to live a monks existence - contemplating life and eating beans.


By the way, I was at Devil's castle earlier, a wonderful little spot, but if you're like me and get a bit queasy about the falling off building/climbing ladder issue, don't walk around the edge of the castle wall... nearly shat myself earlier on.


Haha, ditto. I've made a point of exploring that part of the world, and I find it absolutely lovely.


The only downside that I've seen is the distance between water sources.

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I've never been happier to have a can of soda and a box of cereal to eat at the same time. Special K moment.


Oh, how sweet ! nobodies ever given me a toothpick before ! Friends for life !

Edited by zaphodity

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