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First Encounter

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From respawn ran for about 10 minutes straight until I got to a suburb looking area with a seaport crane (Why the fuck do they spawn you in the middle of nowhere on the coast).  Start investigating buildings and basically running from the few zombies I find because I cant afford to start bleeding yet.  While in a building a see a player run buy with mosin in hand.  He runs around me, points his weapon at me then leaves.  Comes back 2 seconds later and says "You friendly"  to which I reply "Yes, kinda a noob"  2 shots and im dead.


My question is, how did those that have a lot of gear, weapons etc get there?  did you just inhabit low population servers until you got geared up?  That was a chance encounter I could not have prepared for, he just happened to run across me. Is it really just chance that anyone builds their character in this game at first?

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Some people are dicks, some aren't always stay out of sight or keep hard cover between you and them until you have a better idea of what kind of person you're facing.



There are three kinds of loot spawns, residential, industrial and military. You can get lucky, but for the best chance of getting weapons you need to find some military structures.

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You spawn on the coast (east coast now) because it "balances" things out. Farther run to military spawns. However the mosin can be found in residential areas, so maybe he beat you there by a few minutes and found one  :P

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Some players play on low pop servers to gear up.


Others server hop. Server hopping is hopping between servers to loot the same place over and over. NEVER DO THIS! It is the worst way to get geared as it takes no real effort.

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Inland can get a little boring once you're geared to a certain point. If you want gear then skip the coast and head inland first thing. My crew usually heads in and gears up, then decides what to do. Today a bud and myself decided to take a run through Electro to Cherno to Balota while semi geared up. Had a great encounter with a pair of players who we believe were trying a bait tactic (one dude runs up yelling friendly while the other acts as a sniper). When shots started flying we took out the bait guy and pulled back (we only had 1 gun between the 2 of us).


I imagine others head in to gear up, then go back to the coast where all the action is as well.


I can't condone buddy coming back to kill you. My crew would probably have cuffed you, gave you food and drink, and let you go. What can I say, we're nice people. Unless you shoot at us.

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  On 1/10/2014 at 6:12 AM, Korsbaek said:

Some players play on low pop servers to gear up.


Others server hop. Server hopping is hopping between servers to loot the same place over and over. NEVER DO THIS! It is the worst way to get geared as it takes no real effort.








I am of the mind to stick to 1 server and play as "honorable" as possible.  The problem is that at first im like a baby and getting my ass handed to me by even zombies sucks.  I can understand why people server hop because who wants to invest hours at a time into a character just to have it shot out from under you. That being said i like the challenge.  I need to adjust my way of thinking and "stalk" this game, not run around guns blazing.  I think im going to train myself to move a stealth as possible always in cover and do recon of any new area.


In many ways this game is like real life.  If i were in this situation in RL I would be crazy paranoid and not go out running freely all over the place like an asshole.


Edited by kd11080

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Check out the clan section and you can look for some people to play with. Many clans will let you play with them even if you don't join. There are also usually individual people looking for friends to play with there as well. Always good to have some back up. :thumbsup:


If all else fails never feel bad about running away. I have run away from my share of gun fights. Sometimes you have to know when you are outgunned.

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Yes, this game has so much potential, but I feel as most games...the players themselves will ruin it.


I played the mod and just started Standalone.. same thing it is CoD with zombies in the back ground.


I understand it is every man for himself, but when a player in full militia gear ( more then likely farming ) is killing a guy with a baseball cap he is not doing it for my gear or his safety, just being a dick head.

This is what they do, so its hard to see the points of the game that other zombie survival games dont have... hunting and coking, medical, and other basic survival things.  Instead your taking cover from players who just want to shot you cause they think it is funny.




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