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About kd11080

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. kd11080

    My best Mosin Kill

    weedmasta confirmed elite. Just like alot of other kiddies in this game and other games. I almost dont feel worthy posting on the same forum as him.
  2. kd11080

    Private Servers

    This new patch has brought about private servers. Ive heard talk that this is welcome so that server hoppers can be stopped. Wont that also stop the random possibility of an unknown player logging into your server? Doesn't seem like fun to me if you know exactly who all of the people are on your server. Im assuming people want to be able to pick who they allow into their world?
  3. kd11080

    A Word About Loot Spawn

    So I just spent a solid uninterrupted 7 hours in game. Started from a fresh spawn on the beach directly across from Stalisky Island. Made my way through Kamyshova, went north and checked out Rog then cut west across Troika Dam, through Pusta, Prigoradki and then continued to loot all through Cherno and Balota including airstrip and military tent area. I then continued west to Kamarova, NW to the military base then continued north looting each small town until I got to Zelenogorsk. I explored the shit out of that place and looted everything as far as I could tell. I then continued north to Sosnovka and then ended at the military base NE of there. In all that time and what must bee a few hundred+ buildings checked, I did not see one Mosin or M4. The server pop never got higher than 10 for the whole 7 hours and there were no looters ahead of me, all doors were closed and zombies unaggroed. Now I read on here a lot about server jumping and how its bad and not how the game is played. If that is the case, they may need to tweak loot spawn so it is dynamic and replenishes on a semi random basis all over the map. I know this is Alpha, this is just a suggestion. I stayed on the one server the whole time and will concede that it is a real life survival simulator, but not one rifle the whole time?. I plan on continuing tomorrow to see how I do. I did however find all kinds of accessory pieces for the M4. Maybe the game was just taunting me. I also have a pristine long range scope for the Mosin. Really want to use it for long range recon.
  4. kd11080

    Dark Magic: The Wiggles

    All hail the great Hoxton
  5. kd11080

    Dark Magic: The Wiggles

    where is this place on the map? I bet it does become a shrine in game with Hoxton masks all over it. Do the masks stay thee after server reset?
  6. kd11080

    "Jokin" Around - Hilarious Player Interaction Montage

    I haven't seen more then 1 or two people yet, and when I did see those they killed me. Must try harder
  7. kd11080

    What you can do with 10 bullets

    All the same I didn't see those guys try anything aggressive. OP could have taken cove and called out to them. If there was no reply then they could have gone from there. This was a case of, I see a player not in my group fair game.
  8. kd11080

    I scared a little server hopper ;)

    your signature: The most effective way to deter players from hacking is to introduce skills character buildup to the game. Cheaters that buy their hacks online will also have the money to simply purchase a new copy of the game when busted.This is no problem for them. However, the pain of losing an account with say 200 hours worth of skills on it makes a additional price that most will not be ready to pay. Would make me want to shoot myself if i lost a high skill character. I play Eve Online and the idea of losing my character and starting from zero skill points makes me sick.
  9. kd11080

    Celebration for 1M survivors

    So that's about 30 million dollars they have made on this game and its only alpha. Best be fixing a ton of shit with that kind of money backing them now. Time to hire on some help and get programming. edit: i dont know shit about how to build or fix a computer game. Just want the shiny finished product bug free
  10. kd11080

    Guardian angel with a gun

    If solo its healthier to play paranoid and maintain as much cover as possible. If you see someone dont try to meet right away. If they see you be vocal that any aggressive act will be met with deadly force. This includes running at me with fists up
  11. kd11080

    Found a server hopper in Balota [VIDEO]

    Im relatively new. Are you all saying that the point is to pick 1 server and stay on only that server for life basically? How often are new items seeded into the game? Slim pickins on some of these high pop servers
  12. kd11080


    Damn I thought the M4 was the top weapon but the more I see, the more I want the mosin with scope
  13. kd11080


    I looked at the announcements and did see mentioned to the problem with tents being the dynamic loot spawn or some such shit. So how do the devs overcome this limit? You know if tents are introduced there will be people stockpiling gear and it will result in thousands of players with hundreds of items each.
  14. kd11080


    Does anyone know if we will be getting tents to setup and store loot that stays there even after you die?
  15. kd11080

    Dealing With Loss

    Confirm/Deny is this in the plans for this game. I am someone who never played the mod or Arma II prior to trying Day Z SA so was not aware of the possibility of a tent. That would make me very happy. It seems like it would be a natural function to be able to put a tent somewhere deep. Add to that the fun of tent/base hunting and raiding and i think you can agree it would enrich the game play.