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Characters should be server specific

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This isn't an error or anything, but I was thinking that it would make a lot of sense for a number of reasons if characters were server specific as in a character you have on one server will differ from one that you have on another in terms of gear and placement.



1. Most important - if you wanted to hold any sort of a position (let's say a building) it would be impossible, because any attacking forces could easily; quit, change servers, move to your location, quit that server, then rejoin yours. This essentially allows people to teleport behind you. This might not seem like a big deal at the moment, but I would think eventually people would want to hold down bases.

2. For me I like to play with my brother and friend, but it would be nice if I could keep that progress, but also play on my own on another character. Otherwise I pretty much have to hang around in the same area the whole time or I would be miles away from the group when we decide to play with each other.


Anyways, just some thoughts..


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What happens when that server closes down?
What happens when that server is empty and you don't want to play by yourself?

What happens when you want to play with your friend on another server?

What happens when that server is under a hacker attack, and you want to leave and enjoy yourself another time?

What happens when you get extreme lag on a server?

What happens when that server hasn't updated to the latest patch and you have?


Too many times when I've needed to switch server and keep my character. I would hate for all servers to be character specific, although you do bring some valid points to the table.

Private Hives (Currently only accessible on DayZ Mod) had characters locked to their own servers (I think?), so maybe wait until they come out here too!

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I'll take what is the public hive for 500

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Characters will have to be server specific (or every server gets a private hive) in order to fix ghosting and loot hopping problems, there is no other way. All other solutions proposed won't solve these issues without making the game annoying to play.

All of the issues with server specific characters mentioned above are much less important due to short lifespan of characters.

They could implement some feature where you can move characters between servers once per X time, or Y times total.

Edited by lothix

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What about when you spawn it's randomly within 300 meters of where you were to prevent people trying to "teleport" behind people's strongholds?

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What about when you spawn it's randomly within 300 meters of where you were to prevent people trying to "teleport" behind people's strongholds?


Keep re-entering until you spawn close to the place you want to be in.

With Arma engine, this would probably be difficult to implement as well - high chance of glitched spawns.

Edited by lothix

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Or you could wait for private hive servers and then you will have what you want characters on a private hive will only be on that hive currently all servers are public.


Also there is a fix coming for server hoping and ghosting i believe it to be a queing system where changing server starts a timed waiting situation which grows each time you jump a server ( this is just my belief from watching Rockets videos and how he describes it i could be wrong dont burn me for my interpreting what rocket said(and possibly wrongly lol )


PS please use search this is a common threa not as common as some but ya get the idea.

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