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A Server with out Bandits ?

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Any Server out there wo Surviver can live in Peace and have fun without any M********** PKer ?

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I very much doubt it, yer it is annoying when you find a really good gun loads of supplys etc an you get shot dead but its all part of the fun. Its called servival, kill or be killed lol

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No its not!

Bandit dont work for they stuff!

Wen they have fun tp PVP the should do it with ather Pvp Cowards!

I one day i die in this game shure but i not from a son of a *****

A Z can kill me a BUg a Patch but PVP is for they peopel they actual like that stuff... Why must i suffer for there Fun?

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I am a bandit. I play this game how it was meant to be played, realistic. This is not world of warcraft, it is not modern warfare with your US / Russia cut and dry teams. This is not Battlefield 3 with cut and dry teams, this is a survival / tactical FPS.

Here's a tip for survival that you can take to your grave, don't do stupid things that will get you killed. If you do things that are going to get you killed and then you die then who is to blame but yourself? Not the bandit, he's doing what would come natural in a situation such as this game depicts. Stop hanging around Cherno / Electro for 4 - 10 hours a day and go north to where there are not quite as many people. If you hang around spawn towns and die all the f'ing time while you carebear around zombies then maybe the game is trying to tell you something.

It's a zombie apocalypse, what do you expect is going to happen? People are going to sit around a fire and sing Koom-baya all night? No bud, that's not how it works. If you trust people then that's your call / fault, not the other persons for shooting first and asking questions later.

Life is all about survival of the fittest. If you did die, then you weren't the strongest now were you?

Be the Lion or be the Lamb. I'll be the Lion, thanks for your beans.

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I am a bandit. I play this game how it was meant to be played' date=' realistic. This is not world of warcraft, it is not modern warfare with your US / Russia cut and dry teams. This is not Battlefield 3 with cut and dry teams, this is a survival / tactical FPS.

Here's a tip for survival that you can take to your grave, don't do stupid things that will get you killed. If you do things that are going to get you killed and then you die then who is to blame but yourself? Not the bandit, he's doing what would come natural in a situation such as this game depicts. Stop hanging around Cherno / Electro for 4 - 10 hours a day and go north to where there are not quite as many people. If you hang around spawn towns and die all the f'ing time while you carebear around zombies then maybe the game is trying to tell you something.

It's a zombie apocalypse, what do you expect is going to happen? People are going to sit around a fire and sing Koom-baya all night? No bud, that's not how it works. If you trust people then that's your call / fault, not the other persons for shooting first and asking questions later.

Life is all about survival of the fittest. If you did die, then you weren't the strongest now were you?

Be the Lion or be the Lamb. I'll be the Lion, thanks for your beans.


A really... Shut up man. Im an always in the North. You lern2play a game survive not wait for 3 hours in a Bush to snip. Lion? Littel Pussy cat not more....

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No its not!

Bandit dont work for they stuff!

Wen they have fun tp PVP the should do it with ather Pvp Cowards!

I one day i die in this game shure but i not from a son of a *****

A Z can kill me a BUg a Patch but PVP is for they peopel they actual like that stuff... Why must i suffer for there Fun?


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A really... Shut up man. Im an always in the North. You lern2play a game survive not wait for 3 hours in a Bush to snip. Lion? Littel Pussy cat not more....

Du fuq? Seriously. It IS part of the game. Bandits DO work for their gear, it's just too bad you didn't work hard enough at staying alive. Stalkin someone and murdering them for their loot is legit, and part of the game. Don't like it? Sounds like quittin time.

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