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I'VE noticed that some troll ass swine are using the concertina wire to block off buildings so that you can't enter unless you server-hop in. what's with that?

any planned changes? it's not that annoying, just tiresome and diminishes the game experience.

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You'll always encounter trolls, just man up..

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There is a key that allows you to 'step over fences'. I don't know the default key though... I use a DVORAK layout, not QWERTY and I rebind everything....

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Yah I noticed this on the Seattle server hosted by the Spartans. Barracks at NW airfield was wired shut. Just wish I had a toolbox, I would of taken them down for good.

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the VAULT key "V" does not work for barbed wire most of the time.

I've never had any issues bypassing the wire traps with the VAULT function.

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buggy and the ONLY USE i've seen is whats been said, blocking building from players. Which could be justified, if the placer of the wire was still in the damn building.

***I say this, have barb wire have a limited number of uses (like 10), and have them only last for as long as the player is still logged into the server. Then you could make more cool things with them (by placing 10), but only when you are actually using them.

So when they block a building so they can loot it in safety, thats fine, but they have to remove the wire to get out. If they server hop, the wire despawns. This also allows dissconnect to remove the wire, and let people without clippers/tools remove wires that may have trapped them by mistake.

Then it can be used for active things, not just for dicking people.

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diepepsi- great idea! this would hamper them being used as permanent fortifications, though. maybe doorways in bldgs should be an unbuildable zone or something. i dono, they'll probably fiugre this one out quick.

bad mojo- why the fuck are you following my threads around just to talk shit? what, u want my fucking facebook info too?

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I just love how everyone always says they want players to be able to make bases, and claim things, make fortifications, etc etc.

Then they bitch about it as well, you can remove the things with toolboxes, I realize not everyone is using them to fortify things correctly or build bases, and some people are straight being dicks and griefing with it.

But that is just how it goes, if any of the ideas in this thread get implemented it really destroys any sense of fortifying / making a bases for anyone not being a dick and "doing it wrong".

I for one fortified a barn with them so there was only one entrance to it, so it was easier to defend.

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poisonman, lol you are the ONE person using thse correctly. combine this kind of trolling with the "no gun start" and you get a dude running scared thru the streets with all the looty places locked off. and also, it's not just some places. it's EVERYWHERE

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I've come across a lot of barbed wire in areas with decent loot, mostly areas which are rather popular so right now there are fresly spawned people running into Elektro who can't enter some of the best loot spots in town apparently because some dick decided to keep this house for himself.

Yeah, you can server hop, to get behind it, but why should you? Only to get into that one spot, risking to get shot by the barb griefers who just arrived back from their server hopping session? No way.

On some servers, there are whole parts of a town/village which are completely blocked due to barbed wire spamming. It's becoming boring and annoying and makes me want to change server. Not to get past the barbed wire, just because I hate people abusing game mechanics to grief others.

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bad mojo- why the fuck are you following my threads around just to talk shit? what' date=' u want my fucking facebook info too?


I've decided to spend a good amount of time reading ALL suggestions, ranking them, and giving my input. I'm sick and fucking tired of the massive influx of HORRIBLE suggestions lately and If we all just ignore the problem, it's not going to go away.

If you can't handle people giving it to you straight, don't post re-suggestions, or suggestions that go against the nature of the game.


This suggestion is basically you wanting to remove an element of the game, because people troll. Maybe that sounds good to some people, but I don't like it at all. I can handle having to look for a toolbox or finding loot in another area.

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bad mojo- why the fuck are you following my threads around just to talk shit? what' date=' u want my fucking facebook info too?


I've decided to spend a good amount of time reading ALL suggestions, ranking them, and giving my input. I'm sick and fucking tired of the massive influx of HORRIBLE suggestions lately and If we all just ignore the problem, it's not going to go away.

If you can't handle people giving it to you straight, don't post re-suggestions, or suggestions that go against the nature of the game.


This suggestion is basically you wanting to remove an element of the game, because people troll. Maybe that sounds good to some people, but I don't like it at all. I can handle having to look for a toolbox or finding loot in another area.

haterz gonna hate, bitch. have fun being a super serious dickwad

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