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How to prevent losing all my gear when joining a server?

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A friend and I have lost our entire gear and have respawned as a new guy a couple of times now and it's getting frustrating. Sometimes we can log out and we get our character back but most of the time we randomly just lost everything.


Is there any way to prevent this from happening?


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Unfortunately it seems to be hit or miss for a LOT of players atm. Some issues to due alpha, some to servers going online before they have permission to communicate with the database, etc...


I've had good luck with sticking to just a few specific servers. That's about all we can do right now.

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I've read that you  just log out in those cases (don't do anything as well) and then just try another server. Its happened to me and a few buddies. But I tried the solution mentioned and it worked for me.

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What most people said, try finding steady servers and add them to favorite list and play on them, this is what works for me.

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How do I put a Server to my favorite list while ingame? or at least note the servers name when im ingame?


Did just check myself but ingame I could not find an option for this, best thing to do is to remember the server name/number and add it later.

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And where can i find the server name ingame? Or do i have to note it before i log in, then log in and test the servers performance, log out again, search it in the server list and add it to favorites. that would be a bit annoying because i dont know if the server is any good before joining it.

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