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If the player is hurt enough to start bleeding, this starts to smell - bandages stop bleeding and so stop the character from smelling stronger. Change clothes to drastically reduce the smell of blood too. Also - aftershave/perfume items as loot etc. can mask the smell.


Zombies within a certain distance smell the blood and start moving in your general direction.


Perhaps this could also lead to the introduction of wind - could carry the scent more in whatever direction the wind is blowing.


Could also have a 'sniff' action (could be a way of indicating nearby players) - for the wind direction, the player could do the ol' 'lick finger' test, or take a grass cutting and throw it in the air. That way, if the player has been bleeding, they know what direction the wind is carrying their scent.



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Currently, in game the wind always blows East, making that difficult (just watch the clouds, or your breath at night). I find that smell is a sense best left simplified within a game, otherwise they'd have to start putting some type of method to better represent that in game, which I am personally not a fan of.

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Currently, in game the wind always blows East, making that difficult (just watch the clouds, or your breath at night). I find that smell is a sense best left simplified within a game, otherwise they'd have to start putting some type of method to better represent that in game, which I am personally not a fan of.

Wind in upper atmosphere and low atmosphere blow in different directions.

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Considering the setting of the game, I don't think I'd want to be smelling players!


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