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I should be able to run DayZ at max settings, right?

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Just wondering if I should be able to run DayZ at max settings? And if there is a in game way to check my fps.

Here's my specs


Windows (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 64-bit


Intel® Core™ i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz


3.75 GHz


17.09 GB




4.21 GB






5.99 TB


5.74 TB (96%)

Edit: I'm actually using two of those video cards.

Edited by DoctorRayRay

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Well - you clearly can run Super Marion on max settings. Judging by the gear - yes. How you use your gear to achieve maximum performance and stability - that's different. 

Edited by sYs

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if not you who else could ? your setup is a big overkill for the moment xD


use fraps or dxtory to see your FPS


and let us know how many fps you get in a big city plz



when i switched from win7 to win8.1 i got 10-20 more fps in battlefield 4

Edited by chris90

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if not you who else could ? your setup is a big overkill for the moment xD

use fraps or dxtory to see your FPS

and let us know how many fps you get in a big city plz


when i switched from win7 to win8.1 i got 10-20 more fps in battlefield 4

Ok, I'll do that and post my fps here.

Edited by DoctorRayRay

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Don't get your hopes up though. The main thing that is going to hold you back is your CPU. Good as it is it will not utilize nearly as much performance as the CPU is capable of delivering (about 40-50%). Here clock speed means everything. Running on MAX settings (excluding running resolution at 200%) I predict you may see 25-30 fps whilst running around Elektro. Now if you were able to overclock to 4.5GHz (which i doubt you can do reliably as Haswell processors are very poor overclockers) then you should see a bit more. You will also only use a Maximum 2GB of the available VRam from your GPU's too and regardless of start up parameter settings this value is hard coded and cannot be exceeded.


Get yourself some decent cooling and get that CPU up to 4 - 4.2GHz (about the best I've heard for stability) and you will see maximum benefit.

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Don't get your hopes up though. The main thing that is going to hold you back is your CPU. Good as it is it will not utilize nearly as much performance as the CPU is capable of delivering (about 40-50%). Here clock speed means everything. Running on MAX settings (excluding running resolution at 200%) I predict you may see 25-30 fps whilst running around Elektro. Now if you were able to overclock to 4.5GHz (which i doubt you can do reliably as Haswell processors are very poor overclockers) then you should see a bit more. You will also only use a Maximum 2GB of the available VRam from your GPU's too and regardless of start up parameter settings this value is hard coded and cannot be exceeded.

Get yourself some decent cooling and get that CPU up to 4 - 4.2GHz (about the best I've heard for stability) and you will see maximum benefit.

My chassis is the Alienware Aurora so it has plenty of vents and it's liquid cooled so that should be enough cooling, right? Not sure exactly how to over clock my processor so could you please link me to something to guide me?

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Well, right now the game is not that really that optimized.

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I tell you what, NO Pc can run DayZ on max settings with 60fps....No! None. Niente. Keiner.

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Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to play at Max Settings at all. Not even High settings. You probably even have to disable AA. And lots of other things. This is still a badly optimized game right now, and your FPS will go insane in towns. Here's my system:

Win7 Ultimate 64bit
i7 3930K @4.2Ghz
HD 7970 3GB Custom @ 1050/1450
Corsair Vengeance 1866 16GB RAM
1920x1080 Resolution
DayZ is running on an SSD

And guess what - In town, my FPS go down to ~20fps with normal settings, which isn't good at all. Here are my actual DayZ settings (~30FPS in town, 70-80FPS everywhere else):


EDIT: I really really really hope that you didn't but an Alienware computer. Please don't tell me that's true. Please tell me that you just somehow got the case. Otherwise, you've wasted about 1000$ for the name, and the remain of the amount you've paid for the actual hardware. Alienware is the shittiest thing on the whole planet, only their cases are nice. They're even more insane than Apple. And Apple is already insane with pricing. 

Edited by acid574
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I'm running:


Windows 8.1 64 bit

i7 4770k @ 3.50GHz

Nvidia GTX 760 2GB

Corsair Vengeance 32GB RAM

2560x1440 Resolution

2TB Hard Disk Drive (7200rpm)


I can run at High settings with hardly any problems at all, but max settings for me is where things start to get bad. Turning down post processing and disabling clouds helps for me though. In time, when the game is better optimized I hope I can run it at max settings without much problem. I expect you should be able to run at high/max settings with your setup whenever some optimization gets done. You may even be able to run it at max now, but without post processing or clouds.

Edited by Foxhunt

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Zombo, just because he has no SSDs doesn't mean it's a potato. Go troll some other thread. :P

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My chassis is the Alienware Aurora so it has plenty of vents and it's liquid cooled so that should be enough cooling, right? Not sure exactly how to over clock my processor so could you please link me to something to guide me?


Well I was taught by a good friend of mine who is a master PC builder and even now with my knowledge I still have him come round and look for ways of optimizing it. It's not hard especially nowadays with easy access and use of BIOS settings on modern Motherboards. My advice is to visit a few large PC building forums and have a look at the guides and explanations there and ifd you have questions just register and ask away. You'll fine a VERY mature crowd and plenty of advice will flow.


Yay, another underwater processor  ;) I love a bit of water cooling me. Yeah you've got plenty of headroom for OC'ing with that.



I tell you what, NO Pc can run DayZ on max settings with 60fps....No! None. Niente. Keiner.


Well I hope by that you mean in Elektro, Cherno etc.... I'll run 60fps all day long on max settings out of the towns. But yes, short of having an extreme edition CPU on phase change cooling running 5.8GHz you're likely to see 35fps at best. I personally see a solid 25 on max settings but I've balanced my settings to get a pretty solid 30.

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I played for maybe 30 minutes yesterday and it was the first time I was running it on my new rig. I had freshly spawned on the coast and I didn't have any FPS meter on. But it looked really smooth, I eventually ran through Elecktro and never really noticed a FPS difference. I did have my settings on very high, besides resolution. I'll actually check the FPS today with my settings absolutely maxed out to see how it runs.

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Nope, you won't run max settings smoothly on that rig. You shouldn't be too far off though, the game will still look great.


I'd advise starting at everything maxed in 1920x1080, disabling ambient occlusion and post-process effects and dropping object detail to "normal" at the highest (only affects the amount of grass loaded) and using that as a starting point.


If you have any more questions please use the dedicated "Can I Run DayZ Retail?" topic, which you can find here...






Edited by Mos1ey
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