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Teleportation and loss of control

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Anybody else had this before?


I had been running down the coast from Solinichney to Electro for a decent 20 or so minutes when BAM, teleported back to Solinichney, spinning around looking upwards. Zero control of my character or even the game in general. Esc button doesn't work or anything so I'm forced to *CTRL ALT DEL* and quit the process.

This has been happening recently on a multitude of servers and it's pissed me off a lot because it's happened more than five times over the period of two days, and it's just been an utter COMPLETE waste of time. Fair enough If I get killed, but I'm simply teleported back to Solinichney every time.

This has happened over a multitude of characters. I've killed myself 3 times, only to spawn on the fucking east coast, just below Berezino EVERY FUCKING TIME.


Happened to anybody else? So pissed off right now.


And as a side note; I usually get annoyed at people ranting about bugs on the forums, but I had to see if anybody else was getting the same problems as me, and if anybody can lead me to a fix. I'm out of ideas and re-installing is not a viable option right now.

Edited by ChristmasLunch
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This sounds really strange and i've never heard of it. You better report this.

Btw. use CTRL SHIFT ESC for faster taskmanager ~o~

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This sounds really strange and i've never heard of it. You better report this.

Btw. use CTRL SHIFT ESC for faster taskmanager ~o~

Can you report the issue based off of mouth alone, or do you need evidence of some sort?

Also - Thanks for the shortcut :3 

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Only ever happened to me when I was using the fisting run glitch.

That's a glitch? :o

Alas, I wasn't running with my fists at the ready. 

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This sounds really strange and i've never heard of it. You better report this.


Not sure if sarcastic...


It's called 'rubberbanding' and it's a well known issue. The dev's released a recent patch that was meant to fix it but people are still reporting issues.

I'm assuming they're still working on a permafix for this issue. Hold tight and keep looking at the update logs.

Edited by mzltv

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This hardcore rubberbanding was happening to my few days ago. Well not that crazy one, I was just teleported several meters.

But that was during those pesky DDoS attacks and did not happen to me since the last patch luckily.

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Not sure if sarcastic...


It's called 'rubberbanding' and it's a well known issue. The dev's released a recent patch that was meant to fix it but people are still reporting issues.

I'm assuming they're still working on a permafix for this issue. Hold tight and keep looking at the update logs.


I experience rubberbanding sometimes, but i get pulled back a few meters tops. Not kilometers. Thats pretty damn extreme.

Edited by Greaves

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Yes! I was taking out two fresh spawns who were looting my body and Just after taking out one and finishing one...Boom...back to spawn slowly very slowly turning around with no keys working and having to leave the game.

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Yes! I was taking out two fresh spawns who were looting my body and Just after taking out one and finishing one...Boom...back to spawn slowly very slowly turning around with no keys working and having to leave the game.

Thank god somebody is having the same issues as me. Annoying right?


Not sure if sarcastic...


It's called 'rubberbanding' and it's a well known issue. The dev's released a recent patch that was meant to fix it but people are still reporting issues.

I'm assuming they're still working on a permafix for this issue. Hold tight and keep looking at the update logs.

This is not rubberbanding. As far as I could tell it was not caused by lag as there were no de-sync error chain things on the screen. Even so - can rubberbanding remove all control over the game and position you in a slow clockwise-upward spin with no way of escaping it?

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Me and my friend have been experiencing this a lot recently. Running from Kamyshovo to Electro, reaching Electro only to bounce back to Kamy. And what makes it worse, all the energy you use to run doesn't return. The only way we found to avoid this is to jump on to a low populated server to do the running. We have never had it happen on a low pop.


EDIT: Oh and to add, we were always sprinting with fists up. Ill try it with fists down tonight and see if the same thing happens!

Edited by Bobsuruncle3001
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Yeah I know what your talking about OP because it has just happened to me!


I was running for about 10 mins up the coastal areas toward NEAF when all of a sudden my character teleports back to were I logged in and my mouse completely locked up 


Never had this problem before. 

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Exactly the same thing happened to me twice on Tuesday. Took me from just east of electro back to Kamyshovo where I spawned. I was forced to Alt +F4

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Glad to hear it's not just me. I was able to get around it by going off-road on a low populated server.

Was able to reach Elektro, thank fuck.

Every time my frames lock up now though I stress that it will happen again ;_;

Edited by ChristmasLunch

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Hicks said it was a known bug being looked at. Reading his tweets he says it generally more often happens to server that need to be rebooted.

They also working on an advanced fix for it B)


Hicks tends to tweet about stuff that is happening on development so just check his twitter.

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A while ago i was playing at my friends place with 2 friends. We started playing same time from same place where we logged out earlier,played about half hour and suddendly server puts us back in where we logged in and all input was lost. Happened couple other times aswell.

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So I made it to Elektro after all this time, only for THIS (Clickable link) to happen.

FML. Faith in the DayZ community is dropping every day ;_;

Edited by ChristmasLunch

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