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Character gone again.

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My characters keep disappearing. I played on the same server and didn't reconnect too fast. I am tired of this.

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As the wise man would say:



Another wise man would say:


Edited by Beck

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Character is NOT disappearing, it simply dyes, in other words you can find your body where you loged in/out.


My sugestion always stay by the coast this way you gonna be able to get back to your body fast since it vanish after 20 minutes.

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What a useless post. No wonder you got 1.6k posts.

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Character is NOT disappearing, it simply dyes, in other words you can find your body where you loged in/out.


My sugestion always stay by the coast this way you gonna be able to get back to your body fast since it vanish after 20 minutes.


Thanks but when I log off it's because I need to leave for more than 20 minutes usually.

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The character might died NOT when you logged out, but when you logged in, stay by the coast and if it will happen just check the place where you logged out before.


Also try to log in and out , to different servers without moving your "new" character as soon as you notice that you respawn as a brand new character. Some times it magically teleport you into the "old" character and he/she alive again...go figure.


stick to these two suggestions and you always gonna have you stuff. The only thing to be afraid of is the server reset while you trying to make your way to the body. :)



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Happened to me too. I know it sucks, but it happens to me a lot. I have no real suggestions.

Also, I couldn't find that awesome quote from Borderlands 2. fack

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