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Login Immunity

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So here's an idea that might actually work. I think there should be some sort of "Login Immunity". My reason for this idea is cause when I join a server I get hit by a zombie, but little did I know that is was there since the game was rendering/loading the surroundings. This could also work against other players. My idea is that when someone logs in to a server, they have 1 minute(maybe more or less) of immunity. Under log in immunity, you can not be attacked, nor can you attack anything else. Not being able to attack anyone/thing under "Loging Immunity" is also important to implement as it could give server hoppers a huge advantage if not implemented. So, let me know what you guys think of this idea. Thanks. 

Edited by Bourbans

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I wouldn't like to see this. 


1) You shouldn't log out at unsaface places at all

2) The only really dangerous relog happens while serverhopping

Leads to 3) - > I wouldn't be able to execute serverhoppers that easy

4) If someone logs in next to you, you're f*****

Edited by Khad
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Not being able to attack anyone/thing under "Loging Immunity" is also important to implement as it could give server hoppers a huge advantage if not implemented.


What? This would protect server hoppers, because they would be invincible every time they jumped to a new server.


I would rather see exactly the opposite - a moment of vulnerability upon logging, similar to waking up "groggy and disoriented." You shouldn't be able to aim straight or move quickly for a few seconds, and you should be vulnerable to attack.


This will convince people to log off in safe places, not standing in the middle of a street or in the corner of a room in a high-traffic building.

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I always log out in a forest, but ye some times when you get disconnected i wouldn't mind a 10 sec immunity since thats how long it takes to take your gun out anyways.

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I wouldn't like to see this. 


1) You shouldn't log out at unsaface places at all

2) The only really dangerous relog happens while serverhopping

Leads to 3) - > I wouldn't be able to execute serverhoppers that easy

4) If someone logs in next to you, you're f*****


I agree with all your points except 4. Which I'm completely unsure of a solution to, but I hate the idea that you're just running around and someone logs in behind you and shoots you in the brain (hasn't happened to me yet, I'm new)

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Oh yeah sure...hopping from NWAF to NWAF and looting while beeing immune...how about trying to log in in a remote location like let's say...Skalka?

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I all ways log out while in a builiding or my hideout,never in a place a player or zombie would spawn

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I actally think combined with dummy player left behind after logout, a passive state when you login is necessary.  Zombies could get anywhere (considering wandering hordes which I hope will be implemented) and there is no zombie-free place. Since the game is pretty unstable and takes ages to be able to play while your character is actually on server, 20 seconds of immunity, can't move, can't hit, can't loot etc. state would solve the problem.

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you ever had it when you can hear game sounds but the screen still says 'recieving data' i think that is what this guy means because if i am on a server i dont want to login and not see what happening knowing if i get attacked i cant do much about it as i cant see ingame

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Just hide under a tree away from buildings and roads when you log out. Problem solved.

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you ever had it when you can hear game sounds but the screen still says 'recieving data' i think that is what this guy means because if i am on a server i dont want to login and not see what happening knowing if i get attacked i cant do much about it as i cant see ingame


Exactly what I mean. Happened to me today and sucks when you can't control it. 

Edited by Bourbans

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What? This would protect server hoppers, because they would be invincible every time they jumped to a new server.


I would rather see exactly the opposite - a moment of vulnerability upon logging, similar to waking up "groggy and disoriented." You shouldn't be able to aim straight or move quickly for a few seconds, and you should be vulnerable to attack.


This will convince people to log off in safe places, not standing in the middle of a street or in the corner of a room in a high-traffic building.


What I meant by this was that the one under the "login immunity" should also not be able to attack if he can't also do damage. 

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Since the game is pretty unstable and takes ages to be able to play while your character is actually on server, 20 seconds of immunity, can't move, can't hit, can't loot etc. state would solve the problem.

Err, wut? Seems to me you're suggesting implementing something to fix an issue with the alpha version of the game, which is pointless. Issues like this will be fixed as the game progresses. Just log out in a safer place.

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this is an ok idea but the flaw in this, is that people will exploit the login time when logging in at balota airfield and in prison buildings, it will give no warning to those actaully inside the building


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