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Communal Areas - Sanctuaries?

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Hey all,


First post here. Will be the first to admit that I've only loosely thought through the gameplay implications of this idea, and also that I only searched briefly to see if anyone had suggested anything similar, but here goes.


My girlfriend had the idea of some small communal areas in the Standalone, like protected bars, for example or small hamlets. These areas would be sanctuaries, no combat permitted, and could hold potential implications for limited trade, social interaction and perhaps even team options? At first blush, it sounds like a decent idea, but perhaps doesn't exactly fit the "decimation of society" feel I think the devs might be shooting for. But the more I think about it, the more I think that these kinds of areas would exist in a post-apocalyptic society. They'd be heavily protected and fortified, and a barter economy would be almost guaranteed amongst like-minded survivors. It'd be a complete bandit camp spot, no doubt, but perhaps the idea carries enough weight to prompt discussion? What do you think?


Thanks for reading.



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Safe Zones break the main principle of the game... That everything is player made.

You want safe zones, then gather your friends, set guards and make one yourself. But the game will never force it upon other players.


It's counterproductive to the very philosophy of the game, and will in all likelyhood never see implimentation.


You're right that barter communities would develop, but Rocket has made it clear, that if they're to develop in DayZ, then the players have to be the ones who are developing them.


I reckon it might happen, if they fix server hopping, and start locking characters to servers, as you then get to know people, and have to get a long, so to speak... But frankly, I doubt it will happen here...

Edited by Teemo
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some guy saying before this I don't remember who was :huh:


he say something like 'IF YOU WANT TO FEEL SAFE LOG THE FUCK OUT' >:(


for me is make pure sense ;)

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Ah, that's fair enough. Cheers Scavenger for the link - it's a generic enough idea that I would have been suprised had someone not come across it.


Still, it's a fair point that these things should be player-made. It would be quite something to have that kind of thing arise in a server. Hopefully the Standalone will have enough about it to have the components in place for such a thing, should players decide to co-operate enough to make it work.

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The best sanctuary at the moment is the middle of the woods. ;)


But in-game restriction of actions just won't fly. There's got to be a plausible reason for it. The rules to not shoot each other in a bar, will be the other people, with guns, in the bar. 

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I foresee something of this nature just turning into a big grief farm no matter what steps are taken to combat such a thing. While I like the idea of setting up a trade post, the nature of this game would make that difficult to protect on one's own without creating a plethora of server rules, which I am not in favor of for it would detract from the concept of this style of game play.


Now, once player created structures are implemented, I would be very curious to see if any such structure is defensible enough to allow such conduct. I would be very very interested to attempt or see somebody attempt such a thing in game, WITHOUT server rules protecting things unnaturally. 

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back in the mod days I had a nice little community we had some cows close by that we used for food and a pound for water.


we all had a gun,water bottle and hunting knife , and our own tent.

There was a big fire we used to cook food,it was paradise.


Then it all changed the day those bastards attacked.


most of us where online we where sitting around the camp fire when we heard a shot,sounded like a dmr,we all got up and got our guns ready.


our sniper on the ridge said that he could not see who shot,we got ready to take cover when a guy got taken down one shot.


we could not tell if he was alive but we could not slow down so we left him.

I had a m14 aim and these shots seemed like a sniper so we had to try to wait em out.


as we where hiding in the tree line i think we lost another man but I was ok.still thats when we saw 3 or so guys coming from he tree line.

any one who had a good range gun like a ar shot the guys with the shot gun began to run off to the sniper ridge,I was shooting at the 3 guys (1 had camo clothes the others where bandits)

They had full auto guns and one guy had a lmg.


The sniper was still up on the hill taking shots at us.


I was kinda just cowering behind a tree and because I am not a good fighter I wanted to run but had a long range gun.


i was shooting at these guys that where pretty much in the open but that sniper made us want to stay safe.


The guy with the lmg was shooting the tree my best buddies was behind  to shreds,he got shot in the arm and got knocked out and never woke up.......


At this point the lmg guy ran out of bullets so I shot him dead.


at this point there was 2 of them and 4 of us including me and the sniper

so we thought we could take em,we where wrong 


one of the guys threw a grande at us,it blew up our tents but did not kill anyone.

With the safe zone in ruins we where ready to just run we had a car up by the sniper we did not bring it into the camp because we wanted to be safe.


There was one issue our car was a pick up and only had two seats.


We made our way up the hill on a slant so we could keep running and the sniper took out one of my buddies now there is only 3 of us including the sniper up on the hill.


We made it up there and the sniper had the car runnning he typed out saying that one of us will have to stay.


 the other guy (not the sniper) said that he will run off to the near by air field and that we can drive away.


I got in the pasanger seat and the sniper jumped in the drivers seat and we where off.


The other guy ended up dying on his way to the air field.


I parted ways with the sniper and lived out the rest of my days in some town.


this was a safe zone,but because it had no stupid no fire line of code it was a real achevment to have it when we did.

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I have to vote against this idea. The biggest selling and differentiating point in this game is the fact that it is, in fact, a FFA. People, zombies, all of it. This encourages the development of different players (bandits, strict survivalists, the medic squadron types that I've seen post on the forums, etc) and establishes a rough-edged crazy hierarchy of society.


I fricken love it.


As someone else posted, there will be "safe zones" but they will be governed by the people, not by a strict rule. And this is the way it should remain.

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nice story and good example why forced safe zones are bad idea :beans:

you using friends and choose remote location to make place feel safe for you but in apocalypse you never safe 100%

is threat of something happen make you enjoy this campfire moment even more before attack :D


fire push back darkness and numbers of guys with gun adding to secure feel ;)

but some guys maybe see fire from distance and make attack :o


paradise you make is finish, hell coming to your home

this is how it need to be :thumbsup:  ;)

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