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conan the librarian

Sick of this already

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Think the game is great and I understand that it is still in alpha stage.. but FFS, falling off of buildings...


Spent hours and hours building myself up a nice little cache of weapons, was in good health and just at the stage where I was going to meet up with my mate and go on a little rampage somewhere. Then lo and behold, I click the middle mouse button on the downward arrow to climb down a set of stairs, and he randomly floats off 4 meters in front and then down onto the floor below...dead.


I was fuming, but luckily got a really good spawn position, so decided to sprint over to my old dead body and collect the gear. Wasn't certain what server I had been on, so ran into position and began server jumping whilst on top of a factory roof. I moved slightly on one occassion scouting for the body, ad lo and fucking behold my crouching figure decides to slide randomly over the edge of the building...dead.


I have had several occassions in the past with the exact same scenario - click to climb down stairs, only to watch him floating out and down, got away with it a few times with leg injuries, but fuck, what kind of rubbish is that? How long is it going to take to sort it out? Only been on playing for about a week now, and I can't see the point in starting another life now when in some situations he just dies from no fault of my own.

Edited by conan the librarian

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And which part of "Alpha stage" is it that you do not understand?

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While the game is in Alpha, it would behoove you not to become attached to your character or your gear.  The issue will be fixed, though probably not for quite a while.  If it bothers you that much, I would recommend waiting until it is in Beta stage.

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Yeah, it had happen to me and some friends a lot, we no longer use any ladders nor that we walk on any roofs since then.

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I hope you read what steam said, otherwise you might aswell... well i cannot say. 



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.... I moved slightly on one occassion scouting for the body, ad lo and fucking behold my crouching figure decides to slide randomly over the edge of the building...dead.


Dam cross winds


But on a serious note, Yeah take a brake wait till its more to your liking.  I hear that if you sing up to the bug report forum, you can vote up current issues, to get them fixed faster

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Happened to me on my third life. By chance, I found someone dead and facedown in the water very close to where I spawned. They had various items of clothing with 4-6 slots, a large rucksack, a combat vest, medical supplies, food + water plus, for a huge bonus, a pistol and a tricked out M4, both with enough ammo to last a while. I cared not how or why they got there and very quickly took everything they had and ran away giggling like a schoolgirl. Whilst investigating a gantry on the side of a building, I glitched right through the barrier and fell to my death.

Annoying, but there's all four corners of nothing I can do about it. It's what you get for playing a game in very early Alpha. Suck it up and carry on. Either that or put the game down and come back in a year when it's in Beta.

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Yeah, I shouldn't get too attached to the character here and his inventory.. just think that such a basic thing such as this would be resolved by now.

Problem is that most people have never played alphas and they have no idea what is such a "basic thing" and what is not. Since you surely have no idea what game developement is like, stay away from alphas (and maybe even betas) and only buy complete games now on. ;)

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Like everyone above has said... don't get to attached to your equipment just yet. Being an alpha there are going to be issues like the one you faced and there are also character wipes with certain updates. So yes, you spent a lot time scavenging for gear, as have we all.

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Same thing just happened to my mate...


Anyway, just out of curiousity are BI using this period as some useful information practise? Do any of the servers create logs and info for BI to delve into, almost like diagnostics? If yes, what is the nature of the info they receive?


I only ask because it'll make me feel better about being randomly flung off of buildings in the future.


And I was just venting a little steam earlier, I take the advice on board about realising I should not yet get too attached to my tins of beans and sardines.

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i do understand where your coming from with this topic, i posted a similarly ragey one about character resets and i feel stupid now, everything is on the way. however, i dont understand how these things happen ingame? its the same map, similar engine and there really isnt that much gear? what are the devs doing why has it taken so long :/ i am kinda disappointed at their progress they made up to this point and continue to make, dont get me wrong i love it (90 hours) but i thought they would be further along the development cycle by now

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i do understand where your coming from with this topic, i posted a similarly ragey one about character resets and i feel stupid now, everything is on the way. however, i dont understand how these things happen ingame? its the same map, similar engine and there really isnt that much gear? what are the devs doing why has it taken so long :/ i am kinda disappointed at their progress they made up to this point and continue to make, dont get me wrong i love it (90 hours) but i thought they would be further along the development cycle by now


They essentially built a new engine and were able to put together a semi-working model in under a year, that's impressive if you really know the sort of work that goes into game development.  I may feel like a similar engine, and there are different things they copied over, but it is truly a different engine from a performance and architecture standpoint.



Same thing just happened to my mate...


Anyway, just out of curiousity are BI using this period as some useful information practise? Do any of the servers create logs and info for BI to delve into, almost like diagnostics? If yes, what is the nature of the info they receive?


I only ask because it'll make me feel better about being randomly flung off of buildings in the future.


And I was just venting a little steam earlier, I take the advice on board about realising I should not yet get too attached to my tins of beans and sardines.


There's a bug tracker that people use for the devs to get quick feedback, and I'm sure they're monitoring their own servers and testing things out on the dev build.


However, I don't think you should assume any one issue to be "an easy fix" without having any understanding of game development works, or really even how the engine works.  They know the ladder bug is an issue and I know they are already working on fixing it or have plans to.  But don't just assuming it's changing a few lines here or there.

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However, I don't think you should assume any one issue to be "an easy fix" without having any understanding of game development works, or really even how the engine works.  They know the ladder bug is an issue and I know they are already working on fixing it or have plans to.  But don't just assuming it's changing a few lines here or there.


I take that on board - and no, I'm not adept at coding myself.


As I say, just venting a bit of steam off, I just hope that this alpha release is actually doing BI some good for their dev, which I hope hurries things along - because as I say, it has the potential to be a world beater if they can get it right, and I was always an RTS type of gamer before this, rather than an MMORPG/FPS type gamer.


I hope that the alpha release also helps the funding for development... which I think is probably the reason it has been this way.

Edited by conan the librarian

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Can I KOS people on the forums who shout Alpha?

Jupp, its getting old fast... Everyone blessed with the gift of sight, knows that its an alpha by now...

Edited by Hama

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