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Quite sorry to disappoint you' date=' but I'm not exaggerating my accuracy, and even though I may not be doing it exactly as you would like me to, my corrections are still near spot on to what yours should be, with the exception of past ~650m.

The only butthurt I see here is you getting all antsy that we're not doing it exactly as you'd like. Suck it up, and get over it. I'll continue to use what works for me.


Fuck man, if ever there was someone persistent in being wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it was you. You should run for political office.


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Quite sorry to disappoint you' date=' but I'm not exaggerating my accuracy, and even though I may not be doing it exactly as you would like me to, my corrections are still near spot on to what yours should be, with the exception of past ~650m.

The only butthurt I see here is you getting all antsy that we're not doing it exactly as you'd like. Suck it up, and get over it. I'll continue to use what works for me.


Fuck man, if ever there was someone persistent in being wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, it was you. You should run for political office.


If there was ever someone persistent in trying to make me give a shit and failing miserably, it was you. I'll type this out more deliberately this time, so you can get it.




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If the corrections do indeed depend on your level of zoom, I also wonder if having made any changes to the FOV settings would affect this as well? It would seem to....

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Literally just went into the editor and threw something together. At 700m your correction is 4.6 mils. That hit high every time. My correction is 4 mils. That hit pretty much dead on every time.

I can throw a video together for you if you'd like.

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@people bitching about 800m kill taking six rounds - he's running, there's a lot of drop, suck my dick liars

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If the corrections do indeed depend on your level of zoom' date=' I also wonder if having made any changes to the FOV settings would affect this as well? It would seem to....


Yes. It DEFINITELY changes when you change your FOV settings. My corrections on pg 2 were for standard FOV.

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Wrong. It's a misconception (and a frighteningly common one) that mildots represent set distance intervals (eg one mildot down = 100m further away).

Look at the SVD scope. The spaces are not linear' date=' they are parabolic. Those spaces actually do represent bullet drop over a set distance.

Think about it this way: if a bullet traveled downwards according to the mildots on a scope, then it would be traveling down in a linear fashion. Have you ever seen a bullet that when fired, travels in a straight line, diagonally down from the barrel? Didn't think so.

For more information on how a mildot scope ACTUALLY works (this includes both real life, and in-game), check out:


For a guide on how to use the mildot reticle accurately in-game, watch:

He covers all of the scopes quite accurately. The only bad thing about the video is that he trashes the CZ550, which I find to be WAY better than he gives it credit for.



I thought these were the approximate stats, but it seems I was wrong (still, they work as a "shortcut" for shooting at the torso, but it's no good for headshots):

Center - 300m

1 mildot - 400m

2 mildot - 500m

3 mildot - 600m

4 mildot - 700m

Black bar - 800m

It seems like everybody is telling something different, so I decided to do some research on the DMR. I found that the chart that has already been posted by "Everyone" and "Bill Murray" is not accurate at all. Nor are my stats accurate (see above). Nor are some other people who have posted here correct. This is the chart I'm talking about, by the way:


A lot of people in the ArmA community seem to quote that guide, but the guide is not 100% accurate. At least, not when the DMR is concerned. It's probably inaccurate because it was made using an old game version. In the newer game versions, the DMR's ballistics must have changed.

To test the stats of the DMR, I used the Target Range level that shows you the exact stats:


I positioned myself exactly at the right distance (give or take a few centimeters). I also positioned myself exactly at a level altitude (give or take a few centimeters).

Here are the stats I came up with for the DMR (while zoomed in):

Mils - Range

0 - 400m

1.3 - 500m

2.7- 600m

4.2 - 700m

5.8 - 800m

The scope wobbles around, which makes it hard to judge the exact mil, so give or take a mil decimal.

So here you go. We were all wrong, except the guy who said the DMR is zeroed in for 400 meters. I was quite shocked by these findings, to be honest. So I quadruple checked the results, I did the test 4 times in total. Three times with the latest beta, and once with the latest non-beta. The results were always the same. So, this is it, these are the stats for the DMR as of ArmA2 version 1.60.93965.


Arma 2 engine also accounts for wind. I'm not sure if DayZ uses this feature of the engine or not. I usually ignore it but then again I don't fire at extreme ranges. Maybe 600m at most.

There's no wind in vanilla ArmA2 or DayZ. The only mod that I know of that has wind is the ACE mod.

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@ BlackAlpha

Oops disregard, misread your post. Can you give me the height in mils of your target at 400m so I can do a mathematical check on your test?

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