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Zombie variety. (yes another)

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I've seen a lot of these threads, here's my take on one.


Instead of the usual having zombies evolve in different ways I'd prefer three different stages of decay. This is seen in some zombie media.


Fresh ones, those are the ones currently in game, they're quite happy chasing you at running speed, and see you from pretty far away.

They are pretty rare but can be everywhere, in forests, in villages and in the bigger towns. They're pretty much the current zombies, in spawning frequency and location. Except they're more plentiful near military installations(the military were fit before they died)


Not so fresh ones, these have decayed a bit more, and their knees and joints have suffered as a result of their running around when they were fresh. They're not very fast or very alert, but slightly sturdier. 

These are usually found in smaller villages and bigger towns, hardly ever outside, 


Ye olde zombie. These are either further decayed versions of the previous two, or were elderly or otherwise infirm when they got infected. Slow, nearly blind, tend to stick together in large groups in cities, will follow you, but slowly. These are the guys that will bunch up at the exits of buildings if you take too long looting in cities, pretty easy to avoid unless you make a bad judgement. 


These you'll find in the bigger cities in large clusters, and in hospitals. 






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This is going to bring the Infected vs undead argument, Just so you know.

Edited by Preach

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This is going to bring the Infected vs undead argument, Just so you know.

Well it all still could apply to either variation. 

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i think it would be nice if there where different types of Zs about and your idea is great i think a little bit is already in there ive seen alot of dumb ones but  their to easy and your right they should defo make packs hordes maybe swarms of them so their a bit more challenging alse and fun to fight and i dont know about you but ive never seen a single zombie out on roads in land or in the forests  :( would be nice to run in to more of them running ones out there to get the blood pumping

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