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Some ideas

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Shopping carts


Yes, supermarket style shopping carts to ferry loot with your buddies. Maybe allow them to hold spare backpacks,containers and clothing items but be very noisy,sluggish on non paved roads and prevent their owners from using a firearm.


Hardened buildings such as pawn shops,banks and armories


Areas where entrepreneuring players can lock themselves in free from outside threat with trade windows where they can sell items such as blood or firearms.The idea would be a safe haven for traders and the vendor would be unable to harm others as well. The above mentioned are common examples of places with windows that can swap items without (somewhat) threat of an intruder.


Eastern helmet examples/Western camo uniforms/more gas masks


Something like the MASKA-1Sch steel bulletproof helmet and some ACU/ABU/MARPAT uniform items. And maybe something like the M45 and M50 mask for variety.


Fabricated ghillie suits


Most military snipers make their own suits (at least in the US) so I would like to see this be an ability in the game


Dayz mod survivor zombie


This one would be more of an easter egg. Rare item drop perhaps?


Hostile wildlife


Feral dogs, bears. Something besides zombies and other players that can endanger you.


CS gas rifle grenades/40mm CS grenades,Tear gas grenades


Give another option to incapacitate others and give gas masks a use.


Thats all.





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I like all except the second one. Nothing should be completely safe or foolproof. A place is as safe as you make it, not the game for you. 


Nice on the whole. Its these little things I can't wait for. These will make this game truly great. Appart from the ground breaking huge uver wow features.



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I would like to see the ability to rip the TTsKo pants into special rags for a Ghillie suit.

I find so many of them.

Maybe any greenish brownish clothing can be torn into Ghillie suit rags which could be tied over your gun or made into a full suit.

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Yay, someone else wants the Maska-1 helmet in the game. Pretty good ideas, in my opinion, specially the guillie one.

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Forget the trade/safe zone  all of the others are great!


DayZ is a harsh, cruel world... I will assault that shop/trade zone, kill the owner and steal all the stuff.   :)



Edited by whiterat

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Let me rephrase, the trading areas wouldn't be 100% fail proof, but would require a sustained effort to breech. Just an idea to give people an attempt at making a store.

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I actually like the ideas, even the second one (rephrased)! Then i would put my M55 gas mask on, shoot 40mm CS nade in to the shop, kill the guy who keeps guard on the door and take all the goods ;) I also think that gas masks should limit your vision, so that they couldn't be used all the time and that way making the gas nades more effective! 

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 I also think that gas masks should limit your vision, so that they couldn't be used all the time and that way making the gas nades more effective! 


A gas mask carrier would make a good item for this as well. 

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