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Rag doll effect or animation when falling to your death

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Don't know how feasible this request is, but I just fell off a boulder to my death while hiking (there's a new one huh?) and noticed that my character simply kind of glided down its slope until he gradually came to a stop. Then the death message came up. Very unexpected, as it looked like he was going to be alright. I was able to snag this screenie post-183947-0-91849000-1389136951_thumb. before that though haha. I propose some kind of rag doll effect or at least a falling animation to show me that, yeah, he's not going to walk away from this one. Any thoughts?

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Already planed for zombies. So its very plausible that players will gain this feature as well.

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It's planned. :)




  • Animals & hunting
  • Cooking & gathering resources
  • Playable user customizable vehicles
  • Player created constructions in the environment
  • More complex interactions with the environment and crafting options
  • Streamlined user actions and interface
  • Control and animations expanded and improved for fluidity
  • Upgraded graphics and physics engine (including ragdoll, etc.)
  • Support of user mods and more flexibility for user hosted servers and game types

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