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Name your items

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Hello fellow survivors!

I was sitting on mah potty when I had a really crazy idea!


Well, we all know how fancy our inventory can get. Ive got my Mosin for a full week now, and it served me well. I was very sad when I put my M4 away and got my well oiled and cleaned Russian rifle.


So, since there are a lot of players that stick with certain weapons, clothings and items in general, I was thinking about a feature that even Minecraft has.


Give your item a name.


Lets assume you found a Mosin Nagant (just like me)  and you really like it. Wouldnt it be really cool if you could change the item name to...lets say



I know it might sound weird, but I believe it would be really classy if you get killed by someone and this person that killed you finds your rifle and looks at it in his inventory. 

The name you gave to your gun or other item will tell a lot about you.

(OFC there will be kiddies that call their Pipewrenches weird names, but that be fun too if im honest)


I am not really sure if this should be possible for every item. IMO it should only work for tools, weapons, clothings and special items. (who knows what we get later in the development)



What would you people think about this?

Please leave a comment,




Edited by =GS=Quobble
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I would name my water bottle rat poison.

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Cant wait to see the first "niggerblaster 2000" and then see the feature getting removed again.

well. they could put in filters duh

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Seeing as I name all my tools in real life, I agree and grant you my beans, good sir!

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Yes, but only if you used it after a long time.

Melee, killed or shot or opened cans with it many times to be named

water bottle, filled and drank out of it many times.


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Yes, but only if you used it after a long time.

Melee, killed or shot or opened cans with it many times to be named

water bottle, filled and drank out of it many times.


maybe you would have to find engraving tools first. that would also make it really hard to name your items -> make it rare and people would collect it

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This sounds neat. Though I don't see sense in adding it then filtering the language. I also don't see the sense in engraving tools since anyone who was bored in school has found that you can engrave anything if you had something hard and pointy enough, like a a paper clip.

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This sounds neat. Though I don't see sense in adding it then filtering the language. I also don't see the sense in engraving tools since anyone who was bored in school has found that you can engrave anything if you had something hard and pointy enough, like a a paper clip.

hehehehe thats true yes :D

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Actually, I think engraving tools might make sense. Have it function like the can opener, it's the only toole that doesn't degrade when used for it's purpose and isn't likely to screw up your engraving "bayonet+ mosin stock= damaged bayonet and "cKerLie tHe nOggHr deRter"."

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