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Bearington (DayZ)

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About Bearington (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Bearington (DayZ)

    Name your items

    Actually, I think engraving tools might make sense. Have it function like the can opener, it's the only toole that doesn't degrade when used for it's purpose and isn't likely to screw up your engraving "bayonet+ mosin stock= damaged bayonet and "cKerLie tHe nOggHr deRter"."
  2. Bearington (DayZ)

    Weapon Level/Types

    I'm not sure about how the rarity of something like Sig Sauer P220 would be, but I'd like to see it.
  3. Bearington (DayZ)

    Mental Constitution - Social/Survival Mechanic for Immersion

    That's a good point. Case in point: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem Eternal Darkness had some really fucked up sanity effects( like a charactor accidentally shooting himself with an unloaded gun), but never sprung them on you unfairly. You had a Sanity meter that drained whenever you saw something messed up or UNKNOWABLE( because lovecraft says). The thing is, that game had an internal narative. And what I mean by that is that it told it's own story, you could interact and influence it in some small ways, but in the end every time you played through the game you got the same story each time. Now let me tell you how this relates to this topic before I go on a tangent about Cthulhu. The thing about internal narratives as I've described is that they are often moved forward by charactors, personalities within the story. Since they have they're own personalities, they have their own agency and will do what they want according to their own values. Often we are restricted by those values when playing as those charactors (Like not being able to shoot metal gear rex because snake has a thing for grey fox despite furiously mashing the fire button " I can't do it!") or having their atributes and values play a role in the mechanics( Charactors with/without less-then-lethal attacks, people who like to avoid conflict alltogether by sneaking by everything or not having any combat training/experiance, being afraid of the dark and losing their sanity when hiding in it). These charators also tend to have angency in areas the players don't, like cutscenes. But DayZ has no charactors (in the litierary sense), what we have could be more accuratley described as avatars. And because they don't have their own traits(outside their physcal traits) they don't have any real agency. Their agency comes from us, and because of that we are the ones interacting with the world. In DayZ we have what is called "emergent narrative." Emergent narrative is what happens whenever the player does a thing in a game that has a unique outcome, it's actually pretty common in games, it's what makes games games, actually(do I crush the goomba or jump over i- AAAh it killed me!). What makes DayZ unique (to me) is that it's one of the few games that only has emergent narrative. no princess to save, no hero to guide, just you, your virtual body and whatever the engine decided to generate. This is where the problem comes in (my problem anyways). Because the emergant narrative is dependant on the the player's interactions with the game, Introducing psychological elements to the game, in my opinion, would get in the player's way of the player's own psychology, or their narrative for their charactor. When you add hallucinations to the mix, it could get in the way of the player's narrative, With their avatar having a reaction to a situation the player wouldn't. In DayZ, the players don't need their avatars to experiance any psychological issues, because we bring our own baggage to the game. Or just like making weird shit up and acting like weirdos in direct chat.
  4. Bearington (DayZ)

    combat log idea (from dayz mod)

    I watched the vids on rocket's twitch channel and already has a good idea for it(once everything is stable pr released). Rocket's solution was to have the charactor stand around for a little while after you disconnect. this way if you Alt+F4 in the middle of a fight you stand up and give your attacker a clear shot for a bit. This way when you log back in you'll have a fresh spawn since your char was killed while you were away.
  5. Bearington (DayZ)

    Name your items

    This sounds neat. Though I don't see sense in adding it then filtering the language. I also don't see the sense in engraving tools since anyone who was bored in school has found that you can engrave anything if you had something hard and pointy enough, like a a paper clip.
  6. Bearington (DayZ)

    Mental Constitution - Social/Survival Mechanic for Immersion

    Sounds like a terrible idea. The game already plays with the player's psychology. We don't need invisable loot because after a long trip through an already looted town our desperate eyes may trick us that there's a neet thingus in the distance.Our charactor's don't need PTSD since the aftermath of an altercation (assuming we survive) will leave us paranoid. We don't need zombie sounds coming from animals because it's a bug and is annoying. All I think a system like this would do is make the game's stimuli unrealiable, and when something in a game is unrealiable it tends to lead to frustration more often than not.
  7. Bearington (DayZ)

    Stealth mode

    If you wanna do this, I think the way around would be to have an "x" "z" between crouch/stand and prone/stand like arma3. Then instead of having "c" as combat pace (which is useless) and have it be "silent pace" mode. And yeah, I think it would be fair for it to eat up more stamina since it is actually more physically strenuous to sneak around than it is to just walk.