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Toon Wipes ....Urban Myth???

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Ok, so iv heard about these database wipes a lot on the forums......im starting to think its just players falling foul to the servers that are having problems staying connected to the hive. Just logged in a few mins ago and my guy is still there, gear and all. Hes gotta be over 2 weeks now...maybe 3.


Anyone else still going? And if it is this then get those safe servers bookmarked people ;)

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I've lost my char once and it was my own fault for joining a server with a non-official name. Stick to country-coded servers like GB 1-27 etc. and you shouldn't ever have your char wiped.

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Hello there


Thats good advice, Mos.


AFAIK there's only ever been one public DB wipe.





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Ironicaly i dont use a country tagged server, though that is good advice, Iv been on Fox company gaming since i started on SA and its been fine. Defo recomend that server, though im sure most are OK :)

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Also servers with a older patch wipe your character.

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to much serverjumping will make your char reset.

and this is, as you expected, due to the server missing/failing to connect to the hive, and when you log on and keep playing on a new char it overwrites your stored char on the hive with the new empty one. (rocket confirm).

Ppl just need to chill down and dont jump around so much. Check your charscreen before switching servers and make sure it has recoverd your specific char. if not - turn game off for a few and retry when servers have catched up.

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Or, like me, find a "home" server and just play there. I find it a lot more rewarding knowing all my gear came from there, not from 10 different ones lol. Looking forward to private hives...especially now that the server owners wont have access to the server files :)

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Ppl just need to chill down and dont jump around so much.


That helps but doesn't really fix the problem. Even if you only join one server, you might get unlucky and pick one that's not hive connected or which isn't yet white-listed.


They just need to correct it so if a server isn't connected to the hive, it doesn't accept new connections.

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Hello there


Thats good advice, Mos.


AFAIK there's only ever been one public DB wipe.





I have had my char from day one, hasn't been wiped yet.

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