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I think everyone agrees that movement in this game is clunky. So here are what I think could be improved on:


1. Quickly tapping S (back), A (strafe left), D (strafe right), makes your character move slightly - which is okay / expected. But tapping W (forward) makes your character move a whole meter forward. The same thing happens when crouching/prone- except the displacement is less than a meter. Remember the times when you fell (or almost fell) while trying to use the ladder? This causes it.


2. There is a slight delay when changing directions while moving. (Probably by design to give a sense of momentum?)


3. When your weapon is raised, the transition from a running/standing state to full sprint (double tap W) is delayed by half a second because of a 'lower weapon' animation before sprinting. A half second doesn't sound much, but it feels like eternity when there's a zombie behind you. I believe you should be able to sprint instantly unless you're in a crouching/prone position.


4. Turning around using your mouse when you have nothing in your hands takes longer than when you're holding something (weapons, compass, etc).



Feel free to add.

Edited by Mos1ey

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Movement definitely needs to be tightened up and corrected in some cases.


The tapping forward and moving an entire meter is very annoying I must say.


Also if you're moving forward and you draw a weapon, you continue to move forward for the rest of the animation regardless if you're holding movement keys or not.  That definitely needs corrected.

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Please edit your original post instead of double posting. Thanks!

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"Control and animations expanded and improved for fluidity"


Thats quote from DayZ Steam storepage so i guess and hope we will see improvements.

Edited by drouz

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