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Server hopping ideas and more... *here* (dayZ-SA)

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This is just a brainstorming topic to fix the server hopping issues were players can exploit server change to re-loot or counter kill others on stand alone. Any others ideas are appreciated.

What this topic isn't:

- It isn't the alt-f4 issue where players can be red flagged and punished (hopefully)

My ideas


1: Lock to server: like most games now days you have to pay or apply to change server but all dayz has to do is lock us to a server once every 24hrs DONE... (with a Warning: you will be locked in for 24hrs)

'But what if my mate is on another server?'

All you need to is re-roll a new character on that server wiping your old one.

2: A few more ideas i have is about night time: inventory should be black and white and or darkened because you can loot with tab open easily. (great work on night looks awesome so far)

3: My friends and I are hoping books are going make your character learn new proficiancies to help with survival.

EG: mechanic, doctor, flying choppers.

(So hypothetically: As a basic doctor you could be captured and forced to save injured bandits lives, but fail and be killed)

4: Zombies:

- hordes that move around (im sure you have this on the cards though)

- Feed on bodies

5: More diverse crafting: Great work on new crafting loot now lets craft those sticks and knives into spears, or molotovs.

6: Poison-able chemicals so you can revenge some bandits that kill you and confuse his mates.

Combine some potassium cyanide found in a lab with a bottle of water for insta kill lol.

Here are some more: bleach, arsenic, cyanide, methanol, gasoline, lighter fluid, furniture polish, and lamp oil.

7: Bugs:

- Keys shouldn't disappear when used on handcuffs.

- Dead bodies disappear too quick

- Random Zombie sounds (i think its from other players triggering zombies server wide)

Thanks for reading, keep up the great work :)

Edited by manuel_vega182002
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I only comment on your server hopping idea. I disagree on the way of locking players on servers.


I often log into a server with a population between 15-25 players. After some time, I realize, that the server-jumper train has left and that it's only me with 1 other player on the server. I don't want to be logged to that server (and yes, I understand that in your scenario, server jumpers would be logged as well to 1 server).


BUT, I don't want to be bound to a single server. If I join another server with friends, I still want to be with my character and not a new one, or Sensemann #5 on that server.


What I'd prefer is that upon reconnecting to another server, you have to wait 5 minutes & you spawn within a radius of 200meters of your previous location. That would stop those dichkeads trying to spawn right behind you after they located your position after some server switches.


Lock my character to one single server and don't allow me to switch server with my character and I am done with the game immediately. I play with friends from different continents and timezones and this would simply destroy my experience.

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Yeh great idea, remember though if those 15-25 people had a reason to stay on your server then they wouldn't hop in the first place. 

It would be nice to know if you put down fire on some one and they log like a chicken then not only is there a chance of punishment but he can just leave and log some where else to do the same else where. 


Yeh we have to come up with an idea that doesn't ruin the experience playing with your mates.


Another option which is commonly know'n is, to save a survivor per server. 

Did the mod used to do this at one stage i think it did.


***Another option then is a 30min queue to change server? (while you play play of course)

This 30 minute queue should only countdown when you are in-game. (so you cant hop under fire)

Edited by manuel_vega182002

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All server hop fixes I've heard of all involve killing part of the game for players.

It sucks pretty much regardless, somehow this didn't happen as much on the mod. To my knowledge it was because it took forever to switch servers, maybe a 5 minute wait time would be best.


But I know myself and my friends always play in the most populated servers or maybe join a moderately populated one if we want to feel a bit more safe.


A lot of these fixes seem to just end with you not being able to switch servers if it dies out and I've had this happen on the mod where there was 50-60 people on and I played for hours and I was 1 of 4 people left on the server. I usually get off and switch.


Something is known for sure, server hopping needs to be taken care of quickly. It's ruining combat.

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  On 1/7/2014 at 8:42 AM, Kinesis said:

It sucks pretty much regardless, somehow this didn't happen as much on the mod. To my knowledge it was because it took forever to switch servers, maybe a 5 minute wait time would be best.

Something is known for sure, server hopping needs to be taken care of quickly. It's ruining combat.

Yeh some pc's took 10 minutes or more to load the mod, so we might have to meet in the middle somewhere at 15 minute in-game queue.

This is also ruining looting, you can just hop and reloot military camps for EG which is dangerous. But If you get shot you can literally hop to another, bandage and continue.

I agree its becoming a problem that needs to be addressed soon.

On a positive note the loading time is awesome :D

Edited by manuel_vega182002

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  On 1/7/2014 at 8:51 AM, manuel_vega182002 said:

On a positive note the loading time is awesome :D

I've got to give it that, the loading times are vastly better and I love it.


I also had a thought pop in my head, at leased for people that get hit and hop over to another server. Take some blood from them or kill them off completely the game is already unforgiving as hell. lol

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I like the idea of a log out timer of 10 seconds thats in most games today, i dont think he could achieve it in arma hopefully he can in stand alone. 

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Number 3 is effing genius. All the damn books in the game. Get some education going. Skill sets. Even weapon mods eventually...sh*t maybe even manufacturing.

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yeh some people dont like the word skills because its too mainstream. We like field-craft, knowledge or proficiencies.

I think ive seen rocket talking about proficiencies so we should be good.

What are some ideas for Knowledge/proficiency?

We have: Food recipes, hunting, marksmanship, fishing, first aid+CFA (Combat First-Aid), piloting...

Now the hard part is determining how long it takes to study a chapter.

**** RESTING *****

a new idea we are coming up with is a rest mechanic. where your eyes start drooping and you need to find a secure place to 'REST' where you can clean/maintain your gear. (which could bring back the item to its original state-from wear and tear)

Which would bring energy items into the game like caffeine tablets and coke, energy drinks, coffee)

Edited by manuel_vega182002

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