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Lately, one of my friends preformed an update on the motherboard of my new Monitor. Ever since, whenever I play DayZ, the game is completely black, but I can still see my inventory. I can't even press fucking escape, because I can't see the escape menu. It's happened with other games, but never this serious. does anyone know why this is happening? I'll see if my friend can revert the update, because, quite frankly, it didn't help at all, and just fucked up my entire computer.

Hell, now that you think about it, this monitor is shit in general.

Thanks guys. I know this really isn't Troubleshooting, but I couldn't find any other category for this. If you need to move it mods, feel free. Please tell me if and why it'd need to be moved though.

In summery, I'd like to know if anyone can explain this "glitch" of sorts.

EDIT-Anyone know why there was a "Gateway error" whenever I tried to connect to the forums for the last few hours? I just joked with myself that it was a diehard WarZ fan, but it was kind of odd, and if anyone knows what happened, it'd be nice to understand.

RE-edit: I'm a bean king now. yeeeeee

Edited by The Aquatic Land Walrus

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If the problem is just in DayZ, I'd suggest that as a first step you delete the 'DayZ' and the 'DayZ - Other Profiles' directories from your 'Documents' folder. It just may be that something has changed WRT the display settings the monitor will work with.


This will kill any previous video settings and return you to the defaults. It may not help, but it's worth a crack.

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RE-edit: I'm a bean king now. yeeeeee

nah covered up by WALRUS on my screen

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