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Kill or be killed (PVP)

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so i have been playing in some high populated servers lately.

i feel really bad about killing players, however it seems its either that or be killed.. alot of people dont respond when talking to them voice/chat.

biggest problem is i really dont want to kill anyone, but i think i passed 15-20 kills in my current game.

mostly becasue there are no time to do anything else..

whenever i know there are others in the house or near me, i mostly warn them and tell them they got 20 sec to run away.. and then listen for fotsteps run away from me.. but mostly people react just as offensive as me, and run streight against me, and want to kill me.

now dont get me wrong, this makes the game very very very exciting, but this does sometimes get out of hand, that each time i meet a new player i have to either shoot them, or run away to survive.. instead of actually teaming up... not even when people say they are friendly would i even trust them, as when i started out playing, people still shot me, when they said that.. so i guess people exploid trust from others, to gain thair loot..

whenever i start out fresh, i always walk to Chernogorsk and follow the road up north for some peace and quietness, as i know most people keep dieing, and stay near the coast for some reason, and that makes a better place for surviving longer inland, then near coast.

i never really have problems with zombies, as they seems pretty easy to avoid, and playing at night, using the crossbow to take out zombies at a low expense, and quietly seems too easy.

i never snipe other survivors as i don't got a problem with them being there, i just dont want to be the same place as them, as the chance of surviving seems to decay.

i know alot of players thinks as me, they are afraid to die from another player... personally i find that as a 80% part of that game.. even it bothers me when i eventually die, i do think of it as i just wasnt aware enough, and i should have looked to both sides of the road before crossing it.

now my question is.. how do you guys survive? do you got any special methodes to check if other survivors are friendly of less friendly?

or do you just avoid them, and shoot if they spot you, and you got no other chance to survive then shoot them.

i really wanna know, because if any of you got some good ideas to make some friends ingame, i could really use them.


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its wierd actually, mostly i find pricks just killing everyone, but i do come across some people that actually want to team up, that was only when there is side chat. now its removed, which sucks. but tbh, id just avoid players if you want to survive, get a sniper, and take the pricks out yourself from 800m away, they wont know what hit them ( if you can snipe a moving target from 800m that is, its hard xD )

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As my sig says, it depends on my situation. If I walk up on some one and they have their gun pointed at my face from point blank range, I don't try any funny business. I try to appeal to diplomacy. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. One time while going up the stairs in Cherno's apartments, I looked up to see an AK barrel staring me in the face. While I had my M1014 pointed at the guy, I hurriedly type "FRIENDLY". Amazingly, the guy lowered his gun and saluted. We went our separate ways, neither of us hurt. However, the next time I encountered some one in Cherno's apartments, I was walking downstairs with a xbow and some guy with a makaroni was not as friendly. We both shot at the same time and killed each other :P

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As my sig says' date=' it depends on my situation. If I walk up on some one and they have their gun pointed at my face from point blank range, I don't try any funny business. I try to appeal to diplomacy. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. One time while going up the stairs in Cherno's apartments, I looked up to see an AK barrel staring me in the face. While I had my M1014 pointed at the guy, I hurriedly type "FRIENDLY". Amazingly, the guy lowered his gun and saluted. We went our separate ways, neither of us hurt. However, the next time I encountered some one in Cherno's apartments, I was walking downstairs with a xbow and some guy with a makaroni was not as friendly. We both shot at the same time and killed each other :P


remember the dude with an Ak's name? i remember this happening to me but i was the dude with the AK..

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I've basically had the same experiences as you.

I'm about 135-150 hours in at this point, and I've so far been "forced to" kill survivors on thirteen occasions. When I say "forced to", I mean people who had me cornered, and moved in on me after I told them where I was, and not to do so. This seems to happen mostly in Firestations, and for that reason I haven't set foot in one since the 60-hour mark.

When I see other players, I factor in a couple of things:

How far away is he?

Did he see me?

Do I have an escape route?

Which weapon(s) does he carry?

All of that helps me decide whether or not the guy is a threat.

If I'm 400 meters out and he's carrying an AKS-74U, he's not really much of a threat, so I'll happily leave him alone, or observe him from a distance.

But if I meet a guy carrying a sniper rifle around a small town, with wide open fields all around... that constitutes a "no escape route" situation, and I will shoot the guy down. I won't hesitate, but I will feel remorse.

He had been carrying an AKS-74U, the open fields would have been safe enough for me to just run out of there.

People who throw smoke grenades at me, those get a full metal jacket makeover, without the remorse.

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For me, after playing dayz for one day,

it was 50/50

First guy i've ever met, shot me immedeatly,

So then i decided like the op to go into the woods, there randomly between the trees i saw 2 people running, i did the q/e move with my axe, they ignored me , but like a fool i ran after them, and that got me a team for the next 3 hours :D

I think u've just gotta take the risc to put your trust, your life in their hands sometimes.

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As my sig says' date=' it depends on my situation. If I walk up on some one and they have their gun pointed at my face from point blank range, I don't try any funny business. I try to appeal to diplomacy. It sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. One time while going up the stairs in Cherno's apartments, I looked up to see an AK barrel staring me in the face. While I had my M1014 pointed at the guy, I hurriedly type "FRIENDLY". Amazingly, the guy lowered his gun and saluted. We went our separate ways, neither of us hurt. However, the next time I encountered some one in Cherno's apartments, I was walking downstairs with a xbow and some guy with a makaroni was not as friendly. We both shot at the same time and killed each other :P


remember the dude with an Ak's name? i remember this happening to me but i was the dude with the AK..

Not really. If I remember correctly this was around last Monday or Tuesday, before I went out of town irl. What was your name? I think I had the camo skin on as well.

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problem about taking chances and risks in this game, when you really found some good and hard-to-find gear.. the margin for error is as good as zero.. if you take risks with that gear becasue you want to see if a guy is friendly.. you die for sure :P

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I stay away from all players. Seems like every1 will try to kill you for shits and giggles. Even if you have nothing or even a weapon. So best to stay away from players you dont know. Best way to stay alive is ALONE.

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Kill or be killed is definitely the name of the game. I've tried to be friendly, and very rarely does someone actually acknowledge it.

I remember running through the woods above cherno when some dude with an einfield tried killing me. I VOIP him saying I was friendly but he kept shooting, so I told him over VOIP as soon as you reload i'm killing you. Sure enough, shots stopped and I sniped him in the head.

Moral of the story, Everyone unless youre in a chat program with them is your enemy and treat them as such, Unless they are unarmed.. I don't killed unarmed.

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Your best bet is to team up with friends you know IRL, or find a group in the forums.

I play with a friend and while we are bandits, we dont shoot on sight and we dont kill just because.

Actually we are kind of good bandits, once we met this guy at the airport he prone'd to out location, our tactic was to always point our guns and never give our backs. We chatted with him, he was low on blood, didnt had any food and was crippled. Had some decent loot like ammo and a good backpack.

We gave him some meat to regain blood and my friend went outside to look for morphine. Then the zeds heard us and the dude and me defended ourselves, with me always keeping an eye on him. My friend came back, we cleaned the place of zeds and gave him the morphine.

He wanted to tag along, but we passed, told him we will go our way, so we left the place while pointing our guns to his head.

We looted for a good 15 minutes and then we see someone running toward us with a zed train. We kill the zeds and the guy was him, he told us he would not make it and he told us to kill him, we did.

What I mean is, you can be friendly and not trust other players at the same time. Good luck.

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so its fairly same experience others got too.. just diffrent way to taggle it. :)

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I pretty much registered on these forums to talk about this. There is no way to know if someone is friendly, with no chat and no nametags, it's pretty much a shoot first or die situation. My story...

I got the game yesterday. I've learned sneaking, and I use a nice interactive map with all the loot locations. I play with my friend.

So far, on this 1 server ( US 5 [...] ), every time I went to Elektro, I got killed. People just spot me, and shoot. The first time there, I saw some guy, talked to him in direct chat, he said he was friendly but not looking for company. Then about 30 secs later, I turn around, walk into the building I was, and there is a guy in front of me (the building is an office), I see him, and immediately try to strafe into one of the side rooms - I don't "fit", he shoots twice, I manage to fall back onto the balcony I was, I'm in shock and lying on the ground (he broke my leg by shooting me?), I have my M1911 out, he has a revolver or an other kind of high-powered sidearm. He creeps up slowly into the door frame, I shoot him 3 times in the stomach, he shoots me and kills me. I spawn nearby, I make my way back where I was. I find my body. AND HIS. I managed to kill him as he killed me, his corpse is right in the doorway where he was standing last time I saw him. I loot my old body and his.

Later in the day.... I make my way north of Elektro to this power plant thing, military loot with a smoke tower and a building with a tower. I heard gunfire previously while scouting the area, so I am very careful. I enter the building, find a Remington and a AK Cobra in the tower, my friend is coming to join me at this location, so I leave the tower and go onto the roof of the building. I hear more gunfire in the town. I stay put, waiting for my buddy to come so he can pick up the AK Kobra (I didn't have ammo for it). I hear some footsteps - zombies? players? - I never knew. I see a shadow move, there is a guy up in the tower, I don't think he saw me. But then I get shot, once, then twice - he's in the tower where I was, looking down onto me on the roof. I have no where to run, so I decide to bandage up and wait to see what he does. I get shot an other time while on the roof - I never knew if it was the same guy, I was behind cover, he shouldn't have been able to hit me - I notice him moving in the tower, I peek out with my M1911 aimed, I get shot, but I don't see him, so I decide to return fire, once, twice, three, four shots, but he doesn't seem to die, his head is poking out of the little window, and he quickly kills me.

My buddy is on Teamspeak with me, he tells me how he met these nice people over in Chernogorsk. Guess Elektro isn't as welcoming as Chernogorks.

I met up with my buddy at the airstrip, then proceded to die stupidly. I spawned just east of Elektro. This time around I know what's up. I know the lay out of the city, I know it's hostile. I will not hesitate to shoot and kill any one I see. And I've seen a few Survivors crawl around, I didn't shoot them, I didn't want to be a dick, but next time it's a bullet to the head, no pity, because they'll be shooting me eventually.

I'm also considering going onto a night server and going full on commando.

TL;DR - Raided Elektro solo, go killed, went back, go killed. Seems it's full of bandits. No more nice-guy. Zombies are the least of my troubles.

EDIT: Went back, inside a 2-story building, I see this guy come up to the second floor, where I am. I decide to run (I had a gun but not the will to kill), I make it out outside, turn the corner, and his friend/someone is there, he shoots me and I instantly die.

I'm pretty pissed, is there anyone in this damn game that won't shoot me? I was running away from him, why did he kill me. Do I need to talk on the VOIP ? Will that make them less prone to killing me? Or are these people like me, who where killed for no reason, and are just scared themselves to get killed ?

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Codswallop. I have met more nice people on this game than bandits.

I think if you go around pointing your gun in someones face or prancing around a field your gonna die, but if you have any sense its very easy to find some mutual party go-er.

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