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I think what would be really cool is if we could see the player's karma when we point the cross air at him or her.

It would be a point system where you earn bad karma points when you kill a survivor and good karma points when you help.

That way we could know at first sight who we are dealing with and maybe that would help to bring people together.


I don't know if the karma score should be player related or character related...

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To easy. I could kill many, many guys for the lolz, then help my friends a bit to maintain a neutral karma.


That's exactly how it went in the mod with bandits and heros unfortunately.

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Noooooooo... Can you see in real life if people are good or bad just by looking at them?


If the answer is no, then it shouldn't be implemented in the game.

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Not just this (too easy to exploit) but who the hell is telling you the karma of the player??  Why would you know this... NOT knowing is the fun.  Screw Honor and Karma systems, in my opinion... there are better ways to entice players to KOS less, without keeping them from it if they love it.

Mental Constitution: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162490-mental-constitution-socialsurvival-mechanic-for-immersion/


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i think any system that monitors morals is a bad idea for a post apocalyptic scenario which is sought to have elements of realism (more than not). in a post apocalyptic world there are no laws or rules so why should we be measuring a players actions by todays standards. the moral actions of a player should be left entirely up to the individual. any system that ranks and defines a character karma/actions removes the tension developed during those moments that one player comes across another and those decisions that follow. besides perma-death makes any system pointless as each new spawn is a new person (even though the player doesn't change) the way in which the player interacts with the world from spawn to spawn may vary therefore why should they continue to be tarnished. 


i love being on the edge of my seat with each interaction with the world, pushing the boundaries of right and wrong and justifying my in-game actions. that creates the thriller of Dayz.

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