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VOIP chat glitch

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Hi all,


Just wondering if anyone has encountered a glitch with the voice communication function in game. Basically what my friend and I have experienced is hearing people talking  when there isn't anyone in shouting distance (at least no one that we could see), which from what I hear is pretty short. 


This has happened twice so far. The first time my friend and I were trading some gear on a road between two towns (daytime server). There was nobody in sight and all of a sudden we can hear a guy talking to another person (we only heard one voice, but he was clearly talking to somebody). We checked around the field and woods near us because the town was definitely too far away for us to hear him from and we also called out, but no answer.


Second time was last night at NWAF (night time server). There were only 4 people on the server at the time, including my friend and I. We were moving in to loot the army camp on the outskirts of the airfield, when again we hear some guy over voice chat talking about gear or something. We looked around, called out but no answer, and no one had logged out of the server or anything. 


So either people near us are randomly talking then running away, or there is a weird VOIP glitch where you can sometimes pick up people throughout the entire server. An easier way to describe it would be that it acts just like the glitch where you hear random sodas opening, or loading weapons, or zombie noises, even though none of that has happened.



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Definitely happened to me once.  I was in the middle of a field, and I very much heard one guy talking to another guy.  But there was nobody in sight.

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Yeah it is pretty strange and scary, especially with not seeing other players for extended amounts of time or never and the potential to get KoSed or something lol.

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