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Spray Paint/Tagging walls and surfaces

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I think the addition of cans of spray paint would be beneficial for survival, helpful for solo players and/or groups of friends, and it would totally add to the post apocalypse atmosphere. Not to mention, fun.

When my brother and I were exploring a small town, we found the Soviet "Hammer and Sickle" tagged onto one of the buildings. I immediately thought, due to it's crude appearance, a player had left this behind. Even though I know this was impossible.

Then I thought, what if you COULD leave tags behind. 

There are already
PLENTY of uses for such an addition:

  • Leaving behind messages, warnings, info, threats for friends and foes alike.
  • Rough maps or directions
  • Profanity.. this IS the zombie apocalypse..
  • Different colors even, could help mark tree trunks or bushes in a forested exploration.

I also imagine the addition of such an item would be fairly simple. Due to the fact this game already has first person shooting mechanics.

I assume it would work a lot like either "Gary's Mod's" Paint Gun tool, to spray around blood or oil, or of course, paint. Or "Duke Nukem Forever"'s ability to draw on white boards or sign autographs for people with a first person perspective but instead of a gun, you've got a pencil or marker. (I drew a naked lady in some little kids book.)

POINT IS. Spray paint would be a great addition to an ALREADY great game. Keep up the excellent work guys. This game is headed for the top! We're all very impressed. That's honest.

Thanks for your time! 


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Absolutely not. ChernElektro is bad enough without 10ft phalluses on every wall.

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Lol, look alls I'm saying is, it would add. and in the real world, if you had free will with spray paint, and a PLETHORA of walls to pick from, but you only had SO MUCH spray paint.. and you might need it for your very survival.. to protect those last 5 shotgun shells.. would you draw a phallus?


Edited by zombusiness

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Lol, look alls I'm saying is, it would add. and in the real world, if you had free will with spray paint, and a PLETHORA of walls to pick from, but you only had SO MUCH spray paint.. and you might need it for your very survival.. to protect those last 5 shotgun shells.. would you draw a phallus?



How could I survive by using spray paint? Everybody would write and draw racist shit.

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It honestly IS a great idea...if people weren't douche bags, but unfortunately all we would see is giant cocks and shit all over.

It's to bad because I think this could be cool if only used right.

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There is a reason that it won't be in. It's the same reason for why the internet is full of dicks.

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POINT IS. Spray paint would be a great addition to an ALREADY great game.

No it wouldn't. The ability to add notes was added to the mod and then fairly promptly removed because people just wrote offensive and/or racist shit. The same would happen with this. Even if the devs only made it possible to add a finite selection of tags that they provided, every DayZ server would grind to a halt as people tagged everything.



Edited by Monkfish

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I wish we could have some lovely community were people either did things in good humour or played the game properly with some fun roleplaying elements.

But what community do we get, the norm.

People that are more interested in senseless killing than hearing what somebody has to say/ feeling immersed.

All the heartless bastards that shoot before they think to rob and can't put their feet in somebody else's shoes when they've experienced the grief of a KoS death a plenty.

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its just going to be the same thing with the ability to write on papers, some people will write racist and offensive things.

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I like the idea, but I think this would probably require too much work for the devs to focus on right now with all of the other stuff going on. Maybe one for the future though! Or on a modded server (if they'll exist)

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Absolutely not. ChernElektro is bad enough without 10ft phalluses on every wall.

If you don't like 20ft dicks painted on the walls, moderate it with your own spray paint. "Oh no, people will draw dicks". They also have names like FagLord696969 and feed each other bleach. Sounds like a pathetic reason not to add something as potentially useful as this.

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I think this is an absolutely GREAT idea, but u do have to take into consideration that people can be jerks and put Racist/Unessasary stuff on it, but if people actually used it like u said, (Maps, Directions, Mark Buildings saying that u have searched it) Then it would be a great addition.

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I really don't think this idea should be shot down simply out of censorship. We're all adults here (mostly) and people do make obscene graffiti in real life so, I don't see why it's such a problem. More important than the content on the wall, it is an indicator that another player has been in the area recently. Those are things I'm looking for all the time, like open doors, empty cans of food, ect. It's just more information to be used from the environment.

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