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The Shane Walsh of DayZ

I think we should have a drug/addiction system.

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Not sure how we'd get them, but you could have whole bandit camps being in charge of one drug. It would take like a day or two to craft it, but once you do you can go around handcuffing people and forcing them to take the drugs to get them addicted. It could also be used for some sort of currency and add's more realism. Just think about rolling up on one guy, handcuffing him and then when he thinks you're just there to steal his stuff; you inject him with a heroine and while he's passed out, you take everything and leave a note telling him where he can buy more. It'd stop a lot of fresh spawns from getting killed since the bandits would be more focused on taking out each other for more income for resources. 

  Hell, you could start your own drug empire and build a fort/small community. If it's not a currency system, you could trade them for supplies. It could also add more effect and more survival elements. Let's say your character is addicted to coke, when your on it you have unlimited sprint until the timer runs out. Once the timer runs out, if you don't get more within certain amount of time *depending on your addiction level* you start to go through withdrawals.


If you have the drugs give you buffs for a certain period of time, it won't just stop people from just saying "I guess i'll just die and start all over" so it's not like vampireism from oblivion and just hinders your experience 

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Who would be dumb enough to start doing drugs in a video game where it only has negative effects?

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  On 1/6/2014 at 7:12 PM, Korsbaek said:

Who would be dumb enough to start doing drugs in a video game where it only has negative effects?


Yeah, no kidding! Besides, people would just stash their gear and respawn....

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  On 1/6/2014 at 7:17 PM, Weparo said:

Yeah, no kidding! Besides, people would just stash their gear and respawn....


That's why you have them give a buff for a time period *nothing broken, just like small boost* and a debuff if you don't get more in your system after a certain time

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  On 1/6/2014 at 7:31 PM, The Shane Walsh of DayZ said:

That's why you have them give a buff for a time period *nothing broken, just like small boost* and a debuff if you don't get more in your system after a certain time

 Well that might work, but that's not how most drugs work :D :D

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  On 1/6/2014 at 7:33 PM, Weparo said:

 Well that might work, but that's not how most drugs work :D :D


PCP/crack- damage resit *so you can take an extra bullet or two*

Coke - speed/sprint boost

weed- can replace painkillers and have painkillers be addicting . No downside, you just need to have paper and a lighter to use. It also takes like 5 - 8 seconds to work compared to insta working like painkillers.

meth/heroine - less zombie detection but a higher chance of ODing 

each debuff could be in levels depending on your addiction and if you survive for a long time with an addiction it gets harder and harder to survive without getting your fix. You start to shake more, your guy refuses to eat, you randomly pass out ect. 


just some ideas so you can have a better RP character, more things to worry about if the game is too easy for you ect. . You'd also have to choose between bringing that extra can of beans/mag or do you need that slot for whatever you're addicted too.Plus no one is forcing you to do drugs, except for the guys who are trading it for goods.

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  On 1/6/2014 at 7:53 PM, The Shane Walsh of DayZ said:

PCP/crack- damage resit *so you can take an extra bullet or two*

Coke - speed/sprint boost

weed- can replace painkillers and have painkillers be addicting . No downside, you just need to have paper and a lighter to use. It also takes like 5 - 8 seconds to work compared to insta working like painkillers.

meth/heroine - less zombie detection but a higher chance of ODing 

each debuff could be in levels depending on your addiction and if you survive for a long time with an addiction it gets harder and harder to survive without getting your fix. You start to shake more, your guy refuses to eat, you randomly pass out ect. 


just some ideas so you can have a better RP character, more things to worry about if the game is too easy for you ect. . You'd also have to choose between bringing that extra can of beans/mag or do you need that slot for whatever you're addicted too.Plus no one is forcing you to do drugs, except for the guys who are trading it for goods.


'd ya even ever see a drug up close? or even tried it? Buddy, stfu. ('xept for the weed part, but that shit doesn't grow in chernarus)


In all seriousness : No. There are many valid points for not promoting drug use.

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  On 1/6/2014 at 8:14 PM, Weparo said:

'd ya even ever see a drug up close? or even tried it? Buddy, stfu. ('xept for the weed part, but that shit doesn't grow in chernarus)


In all seriousness : No. There are many valid points for not promoting drug use.

You can handcuff female players/characters, strip them, and force them to eat various items, some of which are lethal. Do you think people are going to do the same in life after finishing with the game?


No... no human being that is mentally stable enough to even play "violent" videogames is going to do that.


I really don't think drug use is out of the question.


I don't see any negatives from adding in "Drugs" to the game. It will likely work the same way it did in Fallout3/New Vegas. You take drugs to get the desired boost temporarily. Abuse them though and you must suffer some negative effects for a while or until you get your "fix".


Walking around town sneaking by zombies because you're so jacked up on heroine could be a nice gag, but some people will probably argue that it is immersion breaking. The other suggestions are fine.

Edited by MystoganXIX
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Just occured to me that if drugs are added into the game... we can force them on people we handcuff.


All the possibilities... Death by heroine, seeing how well a crack addict can survive when released in a town full of zombies, forcing massive amounts of coke on bambis and watch them haul ass down the road, etc.

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i like the idea, because i know i'd certainly be trying to figure out where to get weed when the zombies are coming. 


that besides, drugs would be the worst shit to be using in a zombie apocalypse, you'd be so paranoid lol. 



  On 1/6/2014 at 7:53 PM, The Shane Walsh of DayZ said:

weed- can replace painkillers and have painkillers be addicting . No downside, you just need to have paper and a lighter to use. It also takes like 5 - 8 seconds to work compared to insta working like painkillers.

meth/heroine - less zombie detection but a higher chance of ODing 



weed would be so bad lol. so you know the bug where random sounds keep playing when you're in the middle of nowhere? on weed, that wouldn't be a bug, that's an effect. (although of course it would be more subtle)


heroin? really? makes you better at dodging zombies? i'm not sure what your experience is with heroin, but i know one or two ex junkies, and you know when you're so tired you keep drifting off to sleep and then waking up again? welcome to heroin. obviously that's not an accurate analogy but all i can say is you aren't gonna be tiptoeing around zombies so much as waking up in the same spot you were in 12 hours ago, probably missing a face because you were too messed up to realize you were being eaten. 


also, buddy, you forgot about hallucinogens, fear and loathing in electrozavodsk anyone?  

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they should add in bath salts, and then it's like going "zombie undercover" for a couple of hours

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  On 1/7/2014 at 6:47 AM, Capo said:

they should add in bath salts, and then it's like going "zombie undercover" for a couple of hours

Haha! And where's the famous krokodil?

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  On 1/7/2014 at 6:45 AM, Capo said:

i like the idea, because i know i'd certainly be trying to figure out where to get weed when the zombies are coming. 


that besides, drugs would be the worst shit to be using in a zombie apocalypse, you'd be so paranoid lol. 




weed would be so bad lol. so you know the bug where random sounds keep playing when you're in the middle of nowhere? on weed, that wouldn't be a bug, that's an effect. (although of course it would be more subtle)


heroin? really? makes you better at dodging zombies? i'm not sure what your experience is with heroin, but i know one or two ex junkies, and you know when you're so tired you keep drifting off to sleep and then waking up again? welcome to heroin. obviously that's not an accurate analogy but all i can say is you aren't gonna be tiptoeing around zombies so much as waking up in the same spot you were in 12 hours ago, probably missing a face because you were too messed up to realize you were being eaten. 


also, buddy, you forgot about hallucinogens, fear and loathing in electrozavodsk anyone?  

...what the hell kind of weed are you smoking which makes you hear zombie moans and opening soda cans? I haven't used any of the other drugs, so I can't speak on how they affect the user... but I never had that problem when high. I think you got your shit laced or something bud.


I think his idea with heroin comes from the fact that addicts kinda look like zombies. Zombies in "most" of the zombie movies aren't actively chasing down and eating other zombies. (Before someone screams at their computer screen before replying in all caps, "THEY ARE NOT ZOMBIES", go read one of the patch notes from a while ago. You will find the word "Zombie" in it.)

Edited by MystoganXIX
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  On 1/7/2014 at 8:29 AM, MystoganXIX said:

...what the hell kind of weed are you smoking which makes you hear zombie moans and opening soda cans? I haven't used any of the other drugs, so I can't speak on how they affect the user... but I never had that problem when high. I think you got your shit laced or something bud.



i more meant you'd probably get paranoid, when you'd just witnessed a large amount of the population turn into zombies and eating most of everyone else, and then your life since then has been zombies jumping out at you every time they see you, and bandits trying to shoot you for no reason. So random shit you'd be hearing in everyday life would be freaky as hell - hence the bug analogy. 


i mean, do you want a game about getting high? or a game about getting high in the apocalypse? 

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  On 1/7/2014 at 8:29 AM, MystoganXIX said:

...what the hell kind of weed are you smoking which makes you hear zombie moans and opening soda cans? I haven't used any of the other drugs, so I can't speak on how they affect the user... but I never had that problem when high. I think you got your shit laced or something bud.


I think his idea with heroin comes from the fact that addicts kinda look like zombies. Zombies in "most" of the zombie movies aren't actively chasing down and eating other zombies. (Before someone screams at their computer screen before replying in all caps, "THEY ARE NOT ZOMBIES", go read one of the patch notes from a while ago. You will find the word "Zombie" in it.)


My idea was pretty much that but also because both have a higher chance of death/ have major effects on your body the zombies just figure you're one of them. You could also force it to where you can only walk when on heroine and when on meth you sprint everywhere and can't go prone. And for weed, there is a chance of you having a bad high. It's mostly beginners who smoke too much but you do get super paranoid, you feel sick, every little thing scares you, things that are not there scare you *mostly if you're outside at night. It goes away after you eat something and lye down for a bit so it would be a valid effect 

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  On 1/6/2014 at 7:53 PM, The Shane Walsh of DayZ said:

PCP/crack- damage resit *so you can take an extra bullet or two*

Coke - speed/sprint boost

weed- can replace painkillers and have painkillers be addicting . No downside, you just need to have paper and a lighter to use. It also takes like 5 - 8 seconds to work compared to insta working like painkillers.

meth/heroine - less zombie detection but a higher chance of ODing 

each debuff could be in levels depending on your addiction and if you survive for a long time with an addiction it gets harder and harder to survive without getting your fix. You start to shake more, your guy refuses to eat, you randomly pass out ect. 


just some ideas so you can have a better RP character, more things to worry about if the game is too easy for you ect. . You'd also have to choose between bringing that extra can of beans/mag or do you need that slot for whatever you're addicted too.Plus no one is forcing you to do drugs, except for the guys who are trading it for goods.


  • PCP/crack- damage resit *so you can take an extra bullet or two* - "I am hallucinating so badly that even if my brain is spread on the ground from that headshot, and can't react to my central nervous system, surely I can survive this, keep running, shooting back, and for sure have plenty of blood left over to survive as well."
  • Coke - speed/sprint boost - Yes, because feeling alert, extremely happy, and wanting sex, is always very appropriate in this setting.  "Look at all the zombies over there, lets run straight at them at full speed to hump them." 
  • meth/heroine - less zombie detection but a higher chance of ODing - Exchanging a certain "I will survive this with no problem" to a "I might overdose."  Who the hell would do that?

Giving just about no advantage, and making no sense what-so-fucking-ever, this is downright one of the silliest and least probable ideas on here I have seen.  And you want players to be able to "build an empire" around this concept.  


Aaron Paul has a better chance to be part of a real life drug empire, than I hope this idea has to be implemented into the game.

I hope.


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