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It is really hard to meet up newb friends in game if they have no clue where they are. I recently got two of my friends into playing dayz but currently only way for us to meet up is if they post a screenshot of the place they're at. Obviously it's even harder if nobody in the group remembers whole map by how it looks.


Therefore i suggest to add same feature as mod has,telling location when you log in or spawn. I don't know if this will be eventually in game or if it's left out for realism but in my opinion atleast regular difficulty should have it. 

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Suggestion,  have them run to a main road and follow it to find a road sign.


There are many finer details to this, like keep ocean on your left as running along main road etc...  but for simplicity sake, find a main road and follow to find a road sign works in the beginning.

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We do this ofcourse but it can take several hours to identify their location since someone with basicly 0 experience in dayz has no clue how to explain what they see or understand where they should go.  "Road...Hill...No sea...House..Forest." Not very discriptive,even harder now that you can spawn in middle of the map.


Propably not very impressive experience for someone who has few hours to play couple evenings in a week and none of that time goes to actually playing together. Luckily my friends now identify komarovo where they can spawn with highest chance. 

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Nooo! One of the funnest parts of dayZ is getting lost.

It doesn't happen to me anymore, be happy with what you have.

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Navigate with help of the sun, moon, stars, landmarks and offcourse signs so on. Is the moon behind you when you run this or that direction? so on. Worked for me and my friends in the start. Sure took some time finding eachother. 30 min to an hour. But it just made it all the more sweeter when we finally did :D Though to some extent i do agree that if someone is on your friends list. Something could be implemented. But the same goes for Identification. If you are in a firefight. And your friend  and the Bandit is wearing same clothing. It`s hard telling who is who. Since characters look so identical. Basically making you hesitate and die. But alas. That is DayZ.

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I really like that the location is removed. Figuring out where you are adds immersion, if they are struggling there are plenty of maps on the internet that can help them figure it out. In fact, especially when I first started playing DayZ-Mod, I had a lot of just trying to read the map and terrain to figure out where I was.

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