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Weird lag issue or Invisibility hack?

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Wish I had fraps on to record it...


Was on top of Elektro hospital with a friend, fully geared guy runs towards the school and gets killed by a mosin shot. His body is right in the middle of the street, my buddy and I keep an eye on it in case the guy who just killed him comes to loot him.


30s later his pants suddenly disappear, then his backpack... we're like wtf there's nobody else around...who the fuck is looting that body... then his weapon, and finally his helmet... the body is now completely looted and naked in the middle of the street with nobody to be seen.


150+ hours of gameplay, seen a lot of shit and bugs but that one was a first.



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Wish I had fraps on to record it...


Was on top of Elektro hospital with a friend, fully geared guy runs towards the school and gets killed by a mosin shot. His body is right in the middle of the street, my buddy and I keep an eye on it in case the guy who just killed him comes to loot him.


30s later his pants suddenly disappear, then his backpack... we're like wtf there's nobody else around...who the fuck is looting that body... then his weapon, and finally his helmet... the body is now completely looted and naked in the middle of the street with nobody to be seen.


150+ hours of gameplay, seen a lot of shit and bugs but that one was a first.


Invisibility was a known hack for the DayZ mod.  It's possible.  It could just be a bug too.  I think I saw my guy glitch once where my arms and legs temporarily weren't rendering.

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i haven't seen this either yet. one question why diden't you two start to shot the ground around the dead body to see if there was a invisebol player there?

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i haven't seen this either yet. one question why diden't you two start to shot the ground around the dead body to see if there was a invisebol player there?

If there was a sniper somewhere that just killed the guy, who these two couldn't also see, it would have been a waste of bullets and potential death trying to see if it wasn't a glitch. I don't think this would be a hack, though. The mod had player's clients tell the server what other people 'should see'. That's why they could run God mode and a few other hacks. I thought the SA had the server tell each client what they should be seeing based on whatever rules are in place for whatever the player is wearing. Almost sounds like something to do with lag or just a graphical glitch.

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Without screaming hackusations, It's could have been desync, Non-rendering, glitched player under the map.
Or hacks.

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Wish I had fraps on to record it...


Was on top of Elektro hospital with a friend, fully geared guy runs towards the school and gets killed by a mosin shot. His body is right in the middle of the street, my buddy and I keep an eye on it in case the guy who just killed him comes to loot him.


30s later his pants suddenly disappear, then his backpack... we're like wtf there's nobody else around...who the fuck is looting that body... then his weapon, and finally his helmet... the body is now completely looted and naked in the middle of the street with nobody to be seen.


150+ hours of gameplay, seen a lot of shit and bugs but that one was a first.

engine hack invisibility mode...


engine hacks are not blocked by valve or battle eye...its been an issue since the mod, you cant talk about dayz, unless you talk about the nukes.


At least they havent nuked anything yet,,,,thats another undetectable

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