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The Second DayZ Survey|Final results| Over 700 participants

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Notice how most DayZ players have never even played ARMA2....

More people have been hacked than before, though that may be cumulative, prehaps you should ask, hacked in the past week?

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Notice how most DayZ players have never even played ARMA2....

Yeah' date=' either ARMA2 crowd is leaving DayZ or we're seeing more and more of newcomers.


Participated' date=' you should add a couple of questions on server quality.


I meant to ask about performance (lag & FPS) but I've forgotten. Oh well, something new for the next survey.

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I think more people now think they have witnessed hacks. Hacks are obviously out there and many cases are beyond doubt. But I do wonder how many are really hacks, and how many people were just outplayed.

Take the survey people. more people the better. Be honest !

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The funny question is a bit funny and ironic, most of the people think that the community are fucking children, yet when I look at the answers I am fairly disappointed in some of the answers. And I see a lot of bitching on the forums and moaners everywhere. There are a lot of hypocrites in this community :) thats for sure..

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It appears that someone sent a bot our way... I'll try to return statistics to the previous state :/

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Dunno if it's coincidence or some sort of twisted sense of humor but the bot was 666th respondent and onward.

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It's surprising to see that only 25% of the community kills because it wants to and not because of feeling threatened or something.

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Survey's closed. Final result are in.

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