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Looking for player/players to play with!

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im 13 but ill act the way you want me to act been looking for friends

Edited by kraker12

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Just a friendly heads up, there is a separate part of the forum just for the mod.  You might have better luck there.

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ARe you playing the mod? Are you perhaps looking to join a clan that is in the works of reviving?

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Hey guys!

Are you interested in a partner or maybe getting a small group together? Playing survival-mod and having to gather all from scratch, getting cars, camps and so on?

I've mostly played on vanilla servers, it's funnier starting from absolutly nothing.

Hit me up then, I am 23 from Sweden. I am not the to surious kind of guy, but serious enough! I've played for a while, but not a lot lately since I don't find anyone to play with.

Skype - dgw1991 

Edited by dgw1991

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Wanna find people or starta group to play with on mod servers!

Hit me up! Dgw1991 on skype.

Edited by dgw1991

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One topic will do, especially if you're mainly searching for new people.


Do not open another one.

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