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Slim Skizzzle

Realistic Fruit

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I don't like the random fruit aspect of foraging. Bananas from Jamaica and kiwis from New Zealand, Italy, or Chile would not be found fresh at random in people's houses and prisons in the north side of the Asian continent weeks after society breaks down. Sorry :) Plastic wrapped crackers, maybe, but not fresh imported food.

Fruit trees are in front yards, but I can't eat any? That's not right. How about, instead, these fruit trees are peaches, apples, pears, and plums? That way, people can be more enticed to go to towns for goods, and risk zombies. When approaching a tree with the UI open a player should see rotten fruit, and visually they'd be on the ground, and the fresh ones, if any, if not picked through by a player already, would be in the tree. If it's too hard to actually place them in the tree and make them sway with the wind, just make them invisible. And make them objects in the game when people pick them. 
This also makes trade a more viable option. I can pick up an extra ax on my travel and trade it with someone who recently spawned and took all the good stuff for 3 or 4 peaches. We both win, maybe form an alliance. 

A note on nutrition: If a player stays out in the wilderness, he'll most likely hunt for game and cook it for food. But he'll need vitamin supplements, unless he trades with someone for fruit. Likewise someone who gathers fruit will hardly have a need for vitamins. Yet eating nothing but fruit gives you the runs. You need protein and fiber. 

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I actually like this idea. There should be fruit on some of the trees.

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I thought I'd find fresh apples scattered around forest areas but nope, so far. 

There are cultivated tree's on the map if you haven noticed. Look around South Berazino. Territory wars over apples would be hilarious. All hail the apple KING!

OP Is right tho. Perhaps in desperation, for "Fresh, healthy Food options" the dev team overlooked realism.

Edited by DaveZ

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Yeah, I think it'd would work fairly well like that.

The Vitamin bottle could be used as a vitamin supplement if you can't access fresh fruit. The fruit would rot in your inv if you carried it too long, and you'd need things high in vitamins to stay healthy. Maybe diseases like Scurvy could be added. Also, on a similar note, adding Vaccines as a rare hospital loot item would be nice.

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Yeah, I think it'd would work fairly well like that.

The Vitamin bottle could be used as a vitamin supplement if you can't access fresh fruit. The fruit would rot in your inv if you carried it too long, and you'd need things high in vitamins to stay healthy. Maybe diseases like Scurvy could be added. Also, on a similar note, adding Vaccines as a rare hospital loot item would be nice.

Are you kidding?! :) Vaccines will CAUSE the Zombie Apocalypse!!!!!!

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