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Slim Skizzzle

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About Slim Skizzzle

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  1. Slim Skizzzle

    DayZ SA Auto-Running

    I must have it.
  2. It's probably a lot more programming, but different body styles for each character would be cool. From a social engineering standpoint it could get gamers to consider getting off their asses and go for a hike once in a while, for fucks sake, when they see the benefits it provides their character. :D And if you could gain perks, and learn stuff, and get more fit as you progress in the game, I'd like that too. Like, if you keep a book in your backpack for a week your guy learns something and suggests things to you. Or you could already have the knowledge and decide the book makes better campfire fuel.
  3. Slim Skizzzle

    Quicker Standing to Prone and vice versa

    Standing and going prone, walking to prone, and running to prone should produce three different animations.
  4. Slim Skizzzle

    "Am I being dragged away by a zombie? COOL!" (thought)

    I didn't play the mod. Can't wait for next alpha update.
  5. That was what I thought after being knocked unconscious and watching trees and buildings go by as I called to my friends to come kill the zombie and revive me. When they left the houses they were looting and got there, the zombie was attacking a wall of a shack (apparently glitching), and they saw my body over on a hill, sliding up it. Sliding uphill at walking pace, all on it's own (another part of the glitch, sliding South)! They ran around buildings and uphill to reach me, wasted some time and energy following me, trying to stop me, brink me back with epinephrine, but they couldn't interact with my body in this glitch. There was nothing they could do, but follow me to the ocean and see me slip into the sea. They didn't, that would have taken all night. But it got me thinking how cool it would be for zombies to have the AI to drag your body toward other zombies so they could work together to attack and try to eat your body. A friend can be sacrificed as a distraction for a group to escape zombies. As I've been wanting also to suggest there been streams of wandering zombies, like some unknown force is driving them out of graves and toward populated areas on the coast. And I've also been wanting to suggest players can turn into zombies if they don't cure sickness, too. Let's take it a step further and have your players able to get bit, then say he feels sick. He/she starts sweating, getting pale, coughing. Players nearby can hear and see him start to be taken over by the sickness. They need antibiotics, or donated blood, get full on food and water, stay warm. If not, they get worse and worse. Maybe stumbling a little when he/she walks when their real close to dying. Then they finally fall and don't get up, and their items are ruined and plagued. A minute goes by and he/she's now a roaming zombie. Friends can either stick around and kill him/her, or leave and let them become someone else's problem. Could provide a good variation for zombies. See my attached MAP for a generalized hypothetical scenario of where graveyards could be and which directions they would migrate.
  6. Slim Skizzzle

    Rain Collection!

    Disinfected Raincoat + Sticks + Empty can of beans = Rain catcher. Unless a 0% can of beans is a temporary feature. Cooking pot could work too.
  7. Burning books is a crime against humanity :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeAr01hzG30
  8. Prosthetics??? That's AWESOME.
  9. I like this idea of burning books. Does anyone know what books are intended to be for, anyway? Also, stones should be gathered in a different way. Let's face it, they're everywhere. So, players should be able to select, Make A Campfire, and stones should appear hidden in grass, and you should have to go find them and bring them back. The more people you have working together, the faster you can accomplish this and start the fire. This frees up the item spawn point for more useful items.
  10. Slim Skizzzle

    What should our next competition be?

    I assume you already have a story? A creative writing contest could be cool.
  11. Slim Skizzzle

    Realistic Fruit

    Are you kidding?! :) Vaccines will CAUSE the Zombie Apocalypse!!!!!!
  12. Slim Skizzzle

    What should our next competition be?

    Yeah, man. That Z needs work!
  13. Imagine you're with a group, one of you doesn't have protective gear, and merely a fire extinguisher to defend himself. He gets bit before you can kill the zombie. He starts sweating, shiffering, and eventually coughing. His skin turns pale and he runs a fever. You can't find medical supplies!! He can still fight, but you need to find a cure. He starts making crazy breathing noises. Should you guys trek on, looking for antibiotics, or kill him before he turns?
  14. Slim Skizzzle

    Everybody poops.

    YES! Everybody poops. Every body poops. Also, see my post Realistic Fruit.
  15. Slim Skizzzle

    Realistic Fruit

    I don't like the random fruit aspect of foraging. Bananas from Jamaica and kiwis from New Zealand, Italy, or Chile would not be found fresh at random in people's houses and prisons in the north side of the Asian continent weeks after society breaks down. Sorry :) Plastic wrapped crackers, maybe, but not fresh imported food. Fruit trees are in front yards, but I can't eat any? That's not right. How about, instead, these fruit trees are peaches, apples, pears, and plums? That way, people can be more enticed to go to towns for goods, and risk zombies. When approaching a tree with the UI open a player should see rotten fruit, and visually they'd be on the ground, and the fresh ones, if any, if not picked through by a player already, would be in the tree. If it's too hard to actually place them in the tree and make them sway with the wind, just make them invisible. And make them objects in the game when people pick them. This also makes trade a more viable option. I can pick up an extra ax on my travel and trade it with someone who recently spawned and took all the good stuff for 3 or 4 peaches. We both win, maybe form an alliance. A note on nutrition: If a player stays out in the wilderness, he'll most likely hunt for game and cook it for food. But he'll need vitamin supplements, unless he trades with someone for fruit. Likewise someone who gathers fruit will hardly have a need for vitamins. Yet eating nothing but fruit gives you the runs. You need protein and fiber.