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Trading convoys

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I don't know if someone has taught about, but is it a good idea to have some trading convoys in the game? I know it is alpha and that more things would be added along the way. But trading convoys could be set up by players.

it would give some more reality and it simulates surving a lot more. Who needs a thousand 5.56 ammo when you are friendly or hundreds of beans.

so yeah let me hear what about this idea.

happy looting


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Go get a group and try your luck.....


From my experience its not as easy as it sounds...

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I know it would be hard to do because of the KoS mentality and bandit hold ups. But if you are out of ammo and have tons of other stuff, you can trade. Atleast you could survive another day.

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Convoys are gonna be run by players once there is an option to transport goods by car or any other means from point A to point B or C, D , E ... etc

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Trade will be pointless in DayZ, who needs to trade when people can just KoS other people and loot what they want

Edited by Gdaddy22

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I suppose it would work if people could manage to tell the friendly players where they would be setting up camps and trading posts. I don't think that would really work. You'd have to have a large group and the ability to hide vehicles. Not to mention most people would sit in the tree line and shoot at you from a distance...

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@sYs: I hope so.

@Gdaddy: Thats the main problem i'am facing with this idea. I hoped this would reduce the killing on sight because the traders could be useful.

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@sYs: I hope so.

@Gdaddy: Thats the main problem i'am facing with this idea. I hoped this would reduce the killing on sight because the traders could be useful.


Well....to some players they will always be more useful if their dead. Sad but it is like that.


The only possibility I see to set up trade is to have a large and well organized group with you.

Been trying things like that with my group a couple of times. Always ended in massive firefights.

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@bummel: yeah that's also true.


Maybe I'll try to find some people and also attempt doing the trading. We'll see.

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There was a traders list for the mod, see my sig. Each person could set up trades and execute them on their own and then get a + or - rating depending on how it went. I only had 1 bad deal, and I 'think' it was a glitch. Had a pair of NVGs fall through the docks and vanish. Other than that trading was extremely exciting. Plus it allowed me to get all of the firearms in the game at one point. Having to find a spot to store your tent was the issue.


Also check out Fort Haven. They are good for this type of stuff.


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